Greetings and salutations NewGrounds. Felt like making a fresh newspost about prospective plans for 2016. Of course my plans in this digital realm very rarely come to fruition but it's always fun to make new blogposts just to have something new at the top of my page, for just shooting the breeze with fellow NewGrounders, and I need to ease my mind a little. Today has been one of the harder days of my life so I unfortunately am going to broadcast my news in a rather solemn manner with a limited amount of subtle Indian doctor humor.
so I try to keep busy with various hobbies. I like sharing my artistic and academic pursuits with others, and especially educating and trying to assist those interested with such likeminded scholarly visions. I have studied, researched, practiced and partook in various activities within various, diverse fields over the years...perhaps, me being all over the map, is one of the several reasons that I haven't been "succesful" (per the American capitalist's idea) in life. In a sense I might be a jack of all trades- scratch that, maybe like an 8 of all trades is more appropriate. Because I'm pretty mediocre at a lot of things and I've come to be okay with it.
so I'm thinking of opening up a youtube channel akin to my Punjab compatriot Sal Khan @ the KhanAcademy. One of the best sites for learning just about anything. Mainly for the sake of refurbishing some of my instructional skills, and in addition to just being fun, teaching is one of the best ways of learning). I've got content written for an integrated linear algebra-multivariable calculus, molecular/cellular/microbiology and genetics, ps2 soft-hacking (think Gameshark codes, some stuff I never published after the scene more or less died when the PS3 came out), and of course music/art (mostly from a theoretical tangent).
the goal here is to be prolific, instead of being a perfectionist, then becoming discouraged to release any new content, and ultimately letting these ideas collect dust within your hard drive (or head). Quantity doesn't trump quality, but sometimes quantity paired with focused efforts will open up avenues for developing quality content in the future.
tell me your thoughts, NewGrounds.
i have always intended to submit to the audio portal more, instead NewGrounds has remained a showcase for my completed works (although I've plenty unfinished tracks on the AP from when I first submitted in 2008) which I think have a fairly high standard (relative to my own work, I know my audio pales in comparison to some of the audio greats that have graced the NewGrounds Audio Portal).
this project was partially inspired by Cyberdevil's "Project 2013, 2014, etc" over at the CyberD. He's releasing a poem, lyric(s), or short bit of creative literature every day- consistently for the past 2+ years. I'm thinking of doing the same thing on NewGrounds- but with music.Maybe not an entire 365 days, but perhaps "90 days of summer" or similar would be cool. Cyberdevil's primarily a writer who speaks through words and I'm primarily a musician who speaks through the highly interpretive sounds of audible solo and sound. Not full tracks, or polished loops, but what I like to call "jams" or just #sumirs3cjams (it's scientifically proving that hashtags make anything 10 times more trendy) of me improvising over a continuous 15-20 second loop (because that's the max time on my effects station). perhaps thrown in a few solo instrument jazz standard chord-melody arrangements as well. Nothing ground breaking, minimal external mixing, and a contrast to the more robust tracks I've primarily uploaded over the years. The idea here as well is to be profilic, to contribute something musically every day primarily for myself, and secondily to publicly publish some sick tunes for potential listening on the world wide web.
would anyone here be interested in the idea? tell me your thoughts, NewGrounds.
now for the not so good news. today was the first time in years I cried. the reason being, I had to put my dog to sleep earlier today ;_;. He was old, but generally in fair shape a week ago. Then some time over the weekend, his legs just gave out and he could no longer walk without extreme difficultly (and presumably lots of pain). and barely has eaten anything in the past weeks. I've lost friends, grandparents, and other relatives over the years but this loss probably hurts the most.
life does not truly die, but returns to the Earth from whence it came, and transforms into another form of energy to be used and help create other life. yet, every biotic entity in the universe is unique and once it's gone, it's gone forever from this natural world. maybe it exists somewhere in another dimension or spirtual realm that will never be uncoverable through the human eye. no one can ever say.
and perhaps it's a selfish notion to want to cling onto life forever, and not let the unborn come to be and experience seeing our world. I believe that biological and cerebral immortality in animals can someday be outside the realm of science fiction (and it technically already is in certain forms) and while the thought of that is interesting, perhaps we just need to respect the universe and not play God. Whether God be an actual theistic being(s) outside this natural world, a spirit/soul entity that flows through us, or just the laws of physics.
life is an amazing thing. the fact that there are an uncountable amout of different organisms is an astoundingly asute and provocative occurence. the fact that we have a myriad of delicate chemical reactions simultaneously reoccuring in our body to keep us going everday, the fact that life is the result of a perfectly balanced set of delicate equations and events in a precise order for anything to exist in the first place, the fact that our perceptions, tastes, feelings, memories, and dreams are the unique combination neurons (numbered in hundreds of billions) interactions is beyond mindblowing. And being bestowed a high level of sentience by what is best explained by chance is both a gift and a curse.
Yet at the same time unumerable lifeforms have, currently are, and will traverse the Earth. Every second life dies- humans due to violence, pets due to natural causes, wild animals being preyed on by carnivores that are higher up in the food chain, insects being squashed or exterminated, plants being eaten by all the previously mentioned forms of life in order to sustain their own, and the countless microbes that cease to be every time we wash our hands and sterilize a surface. At such rates, life passing and going is nothing special. Given that time and space is approaching infinity, the fact the life exists was always destined to happen, as is everything that has happened, and everything imaginable will happen whether it be in our reality set by human constructs our the reality that exists inside our individual minds. Ergo, each birth, death, event is just an infinitesimally small blip in this ever expanding universe. But that doesn't make any of us insignificant. You can keep splitting an atom, which was once thought of as the final indivisible structure, into infinite parts, there will always be more to discover, just as is the case with the universe. Some would even say that interpolation is a more revealing process than extrapolation. Thus each single living entity is essentially as complex and large as the collective universe itself. I cannot fully grasp this concept, and probably never will, but I know it to be true as much as anything else in this world.
RIP Sir Fatstuff McBiggiestein.
Thanks for reading. try to cherish every moment you have because in a moment it will all be gone, respect others, aim for sincerity not seriousness (even God has a sense of humor), recognize and appreciate your privileges, accept your shortcomings for what they are, don't start wars in this already f*cked up's hard, but try to take off the colored jade sunglasses (if you had a pair to begin with)