
Age 49, Dude


NG Motivational Speaker

Joined on 3/25/08

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S3C's News

Posted by S3C - October 21st, 2015

Greetings and salutations NewGrounds. Felt like making a fresh newspost about prospective plans for 2016. Of course my plans in this digital realm very rarely come to fruition but it's always fun to make new blogposts just to have something new at the top of my page, for just shooting the breeze with fellow NewGrounders, and I need to ease my mind a little. Today has been one of the harder days of my life so I unfortunately am going to broadcast my news in a rather solemn manner with a limited amount of subtle Indian doctor humor.


so I try to keep busy with various hobbies. I like sharing my artistic and academic pursuits with others, and especially educating and trying to assist those interested with such likeminded scholarly visions. I have studied, researched, practiced and partook in various activities within various, diverse fields over the years...perhaps, me being all over the map, is one of the several reasons that I haven't been "succesful" (per the American capitalist's idea) in life. In a sense I might be a jack of all trades- scratch that, maybe like an 8 of all trades is more appropriate. Because I'm pretty mediocre at a lot of things and I've come to be okay with it.

so I'm thinking of opening up a youtube channel akin to my Punjab compatriot Sal Khan @ the KhanAcademy. One of the best sites for learning just about anything. Mainly for the sake of refurbishing some of my instructional skills, and in addition to just being fun, teaching is one of the best ways of learning). I've got content written for an integrated linear algebra-multivariable calculus, molecular/cellular/microbiology and genetics, ps2 soft-hacking (think Gameshark codes, some stuff I never published after the scene more or less died when the PS3 came out), and of course music/art (mostly from a theoretical tangent).

the goal here is to be prolific, instead of being a perfectionist, then becoming discouraged to release any new content, and ultimately letting these ideas collect dust within your hard drive (or head). Quantity doesn't trump quality, but sometimes quantity paired with focused efforts will open up avenues for developing quality content in the future.

tell me your thoughts, NewGrounds.


i have always intended to submit to the audio portal more, instead NewGrounds has remained a showcase for my completed works (although I've plenty unfinished tracks on the AP from when I first submitted in 2008) which I think have a fairly high standard (relative to my own work, I know my audio pales in comparison to some of the audio greats that have graced the NewGrounds Audio Portal).

this project was partially inspired by Cyberdevil's "Project 2013, 2014, etc" over at the CyberD. He's releasing a poem, lyric(s), or short bit of creative literature every day- consistently for the past 2+ years. I'm thinking of doing the same thing on NewGrounds- but with music.Maybe not an entire 365 days, but perhaps "90 days of summer" or similar would be cool. Cyberdevil's primarily a writer who speaks through words and I'm primarily a musician who speaks through the highly interpretive sounds of  audible solo and sound. Not full tracks, or polished loops, but what I like to call "jams" or just #sumirs3cjams (it's scientifically proving that hashtags make anything 10 times more trendy) of me improvising over a  continuous 15-20 second loop (because that's the max time on my effects station). perhaps thrown in a few solo instrument jazz standard chord-melody arrangements as well. Nothing ground breaking, minimal external mixing, and a contrast to the more robust tracks I've primarily uploaded over the years. The idea here as well is to be profilic, to contribute something musically every day primarily for myself, and secondily to publicly publish some sick tunes for potential listening on the world wide web.

would anyone here be interested in the idea? tell me your thoughts, NewGrounds.


now for the not so good news. today was the first time in years I cried. the reason being, I had to put my dog to sleep earlier today ;_;. He was old, but generally in fair shape a week ago. Then some time over the weekend, his legs just gave out and he could no longer walk without extreme difficultly (and presumably lots of pain). and barely has eaten anything in the past weeks. I've lost friends, grandparents, and other relatives over the years but this loss probably hurts the most.

life does not truly die, but returns to the Earth from whence it came, and transforms into another form of energy to be used and help create other life. yet, every biotic entity in the universe is unique and once it's gone, it's gone forever from this natural world. maybe it exists somewhere in another dimension or spirtual realm that will never be uncoverable through the human eye. no one can ever say.

and perhaps it's a selfish notion to want to cling onto life forever, and not let the unborn come to be and experience seeing our world. I believe that biological and cerebral immortality in animals can someday be outside the realm of science fiction (and it technically already is in certain forms) and while the thought of that is interesting, perhaps we just need to respect the universe and not play God. Whether God be an actual theistic being(s) outside this natural world, a spirit/soul entity that flows through us, or just the laws of physics. 

life is an amazing thing. the fact that there are an uncountable amout of different organisms is an astoundingly asute and provocative occurence. the fact that we have a myriad of delicate chemical reactions simultaneously reoccuring in our body to keep us going everday, the fact that life is the result of a perfectly balanced set of delicate equations and events in a precise order for anything to exist in the first place, the fact that our perceptions, tastes, feelings, memories, and dreams are the unique combination neurons (numbered in hundreds of billions) interactions is beyond mindblowing. And being bestowed a high level of sentience by what is best explained by chance is both a gift and a curse.

Yet at the same time unumerable lifeforms have, currently are, and will traverse the Earth. Every second life dies- humans due to violence, pets due to natural causes, wild animals being preyed on by carnivores that are higher up in the food chain, insects being squashed or exterminated, plants being eaten by all the previously mentioned forms of life in order to sustain their own, and the countless microbes that cease to be every time we wash our hands and sterilize a surface. At such rates, life passing and going is nothing special. Given that time and space is approaching infinity, the fact the life exists was always destined to happen, as is everything that has happened, and everything imaginable will happen whether it be in our reality set by human constructs our the reality that exists inside our individual minds. Ergo, each birth, death, event is just an infinitesimally small blip in this ever expanding universe. But that doesn't make any of us insignificant. You can keep splitting an atom, which was once thought of as the final indivisible structure, into infinite parts, there will always be more to discover, just as is the case with the universe. Some would even say that interpolation is a more revealing process than extrapolation. Thus each single living entity is essentially as complex and large as the collective universe itself. I cannot fully grasp this concept, and probably never will, but I know it to be true as much as anything else in this world. 

RIP Sir Fatstuff McBiggiestein.

Thanks for reading. try to cherish every moment you have because in a moment it will all be gone, respect others, aim for sincerity not seriousness (even God has a sense of humor), recognize and appreciate your privileges, accept your shortcomings for what they are, don't start wars in this already f*cked up world...it's hard, but try to take off the colored jade sunglasses (if you had a pair to begin with) 



Posted by S3C - May 13th, 2015

Greetings and salutations denizens of NewGrounds!! I'd like to re-welcome you to my page with some enlightening addages modified from a page created by and on the @Cyberdevil domain that is a stark contrast with the morbid, gloomy words of my previous post.We live in a f*cked up world, so we all need a place to serve as a p. cool hangout for everyone!! A digital medium where I shall retweet salient thoughts about the universe and stuff. A place of public dissent and enlightenment. A forum that fosters political and scientific discourse alike. A symposium that encourages multicultural enrichment, tolerance, and equality for all. As a self- proclaimed veteran NewGrounder I feel both delighted and obliged to a certain degree to enhance the well-being of other members that contribute to the rich culture of this fine, artistic establishment. Without further adieu, let's get this f*cking party started!!

1. Don't waste time or time will waste you

2. It's not a waste of time if it's enjoyable (hence why when you get wasted you have the time of your life)

3. Stop f*cking around dude, just do it. Not a provocative or profound sentiment, but an astute one, too much time is spent complaining, making excuses, thinking about what could have been, while to get where you need to be in life, one needs to follow the Nike  check mark logo, which is neither a provocative or profound image, but an astute one.

4. Think before you act or people will think for you and manipulate your actions

5. Only the wise know they are not wise.The more we understand the world and ourselves, the more we understand how infinitely complex we are as a collective and an individual. Thus, we recognize the extent to which a beginner we are, and less wise than we thought we once were (or could ever attain to be). If you pretend to be smart, you are a fool. If you are humble, eager to learn and teach others, acknowledge yourself as a n00b in every sense of the word, then you are cool.  

6. You are whatever you tell yourself, and whatever you set your mind to. This is precisely why we live in a day and age where men can be women, women can pass as neither gender, and bearded men in their late twenties decide to be colorful little ponies.

.7. Only when you know your limitations, you know yourself. Fortunately, we only have an infinitesimal window in this f*cked up world to discover our limitations. Once limitations are discovered, we stop growing, and there is no longer a purpose to life. Who the f*ck wants to keep playing a video game when the final boss is slayed?

8. Life is not about the end result and success we may achieve, but about the journey and valuable moments on our way to the finish line

9. Learn from anyone and everyone, but follow absolutely noone

10. Work like hell to get where ever it is that you want to go...Relaxed, but never complacent. With a sense of urgency, but never stressed.

11. The world is too f*cked up of a place to ever be serious. The world is too f*cked up of a place to never not be sincere.

12. Live life applying our four dimensions- our athletic physical side, our creative poetic side, our analytical scientist side, and our otherworldly spiritual side.

13. Everything in this world has patterns. Everything can be percieved in its most simple binary form, and extrapolated or interpolated to its most complex form

14. The only true "reward" for completing a task is completion of the task itself

15. We practice and work to have fun at the end of the day. But in order to efficiently have fun, we must pust in concerted, smart practice.

Most importantly: Conjuring platitudes and making philosophical conjecture a great of evading and procrastinating from doing real work- and not feeling bad about it!! I welcome and encourage all NewGrounders to share their astoundingly astute and provocative sentiments as always.

Sending warm vibes, bright karma, and positive energies in the general direction of NewGrounders (spiritually everywhere and physically to east since the NewGrounds HQ is in Philadelphia and I'm on the West Coast),

-Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C"



Posted by S3C - January 10th, 2015

one moment, everything seems to be going fine

then in a blink of an eye everything begins to crumble

Something deep down is slowly being erased, taken from me, something that I fear in the grand scheme of things transcends any value

I was only trying to reach a common middle ground...by default I'm a skeptic...and many unfortunate lives have to be wasted until the mouths of skeptics are finally quieted...

But everything's fair game once Pandora's box has been opened right? It's near impossible to find a correlation with the causation, but the truth at some point, will eventually surface

brb going to reflect on bad life choices of the past, present, and forthcoming for a while..peace and enjoy the .gif


Posted by S3C - November 4th, 2014

the fun never ends on NewGrounds mother f*cker  



Posted by S3C - May 27th, 2014

Greetings and salutations denizens of NewGrounds! I'd like to welcome you to my page. This is a hangout for everyone. A digital medium where I shall retweet salient thoughts about the universe and stuff. A place of public dissent and enlightenment. A forum that fosters political and scientific discourse alike. A symposium that encourages multicultural enrichment, tolerance, and equality for all. As a Dr. of public health, I feel both delighted and obliged to a certain degree to enhance the well-being of other members that contribute to the rich culture of this fine, artistic establishment.

After a life of good and bad times alike and adventure in the far east, I explored the world and ended up pursuing undergraduate studies in the fine arts abroad in the great west. Taking a different path from my parental generations who occupied engineering, convienience store management, and outsourced telecommunications operations-I pursued a doctorate in public health and graduated at the top of my online class.

I hold this website in high regard. In the astoundingly astute and provocative words of one of my great Swedish mentors the Cyberdevil "No Amount Of Decreased Forum Usage, No Amount Of Lack Of EXP Deposits, No Amount Of Deleted Submissions, No Amount Of Star Syndicate Mass Voting, No Amount Of Lack Of Awards For Hentai Material, No Amount Of Changes Since The Optimal Oldskool Designs, No Amound Of Lack Of Info Like The Filesizes On Submissions Or Submissions By Same Author Or Stats Page Lists Can Ever Take Away The Resilliance Of This Creative Empire And Keep Me Away." In other words, despite this site's decline in popularity over the last few years, nothing can ever take away my pride of being a NewGrounds user. I still find this to be the the premium medium for indie content- don't believe me take your best shot lol. SoundCloud, ReverbNation, MySpace, SoundClick, BandCamp, InstaGram, 4Square, Orkut, YouTubes, XVideos, Vine, PureVolume, just to name a few are flooded by mainstream artists and revenue schemes that overshadows just as hip if not more hip indie content. Besides, these sites simply just aren't as sleek as NewGrounds, as they don't offer tools such as the Collabinator, a finely tuned Blamming system, and Scouter levels....I mean for f*cks sake FaceBook doesn't even have an audio player or animated .gif support!! You would think that a site connected to billions of individuals would get with the program already, geez. Not to mention, NewGrounds has a much richer history and holds seniority over these websites by centuries in internet years.

In a world that is now implicitly governed by social media, I foresee the next redesign will evolve this fine institution into the next interactive digital giant: SocialGrounds. Such was predictable at the onset of the two previous redesigns: a precursory blogging system in 2007, and the friend system in 2012. It only makes sense! Rather than promote microblogging or mindless rehashing of mundane ideas to family and friends on your FaceBooks, new NewGrounds (as I call it, SocialGrounds!) will foster intelligent, pragmatic discussion and freedom of creativity...It is my opinion that everyone is an athlete, scientist, and an artist(society does a good job sometimes at inhibiting our abilites to be all three!) needless to say NewGrounds has always done an exceptional to catering to the latter...as their slogan goes, "everything by everyone"...so it's up to the community here to embrace an integration of social media that encourages all users to follow their creative pursuits! Whether it be making animations, acting, music, literature, programming, artwork, even reviewing/forum posts/blog comments all is a creative outlet to express yourself! Embrace yourself in the magnificence and uniqueness of your entire being and you are one step closer to enlightment.


This is a picture of my friend Viraj...as you can see he's a bit camera shy lol!! don't worry NewGrounds, he doesn't mean anything by it! it's all in good clean and fun jokes

Don't be shy to ask questions or for feedback on your artistic pursuits and post some sick tunes...after all I'm here to help baby lol

Sending you good vibes and positive karma,

- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -

Posted by S3C - May 14th, 2014

. . .


Posted by S3C - April 14th, 2014

. . .


Posted by S3C - February 27th, 2014

the world is way too fragile to still be alive

we only exist through our own distorted perceptions and naive visions of reality



Posted by S3C - January 24th, 2014

I feel like I need to make a massive change in my life. To regain some of the creativity (or more appropriately, appreciation) that I once had, whether it be in music, writing, programming, anything. 

Not now though. I need to finish my last semester of college and finally earn this bachelor's degree. Mostly out of ego reasons.

Nobody truly loses their ability to be creative. They lose their appreciation for art, they may start thinking they're not good enough because they treat it as competition (which can be really hard not to do), the ego gets in the way. Without having that appreciation, I feel like I have a huge void in my life. I think it's become evident in my latest (and lack of) newposts, and my sporadic BBS posts even, which both are mostly two or three lines of tripe and half-assed attempts at being witty and/or funny, which I try to make up for by augmenting such with humorous gifs. I feel like I have lost my ability to churn out good reviews, and that's partly because my PC is fucked up and has trouble playing flash. Not to say that's any excuse, I stopped leaving reviews on a consistent basis back in 2009. But this "creative blockage" as some may see it is certainly not making me depressed like it would have 2-3 years ago, I have a good life, good health, I'm blessed to be where I'm at, things could be much worse than they could be better. I accept it for what it is, but I need to and deep down want to get rid of this feeling of emptiness.

I have a bunch of money saved up for grad school...but for what? So I'm more fit to apply for a job that pays me money, which in turn could never buy back what the job takes from you. Besides, I've literally been going to school my entire life, without a break. But wouldn't that just be further delaying some cultural obligation to get a "real" job? It seems most people my age have careers or are pretty damn close to it.  I feel like any money people have saved now soon will become significantly diminished in its value, so its better to spend now on something you enjoy or find useful than hoard. Should I move out, far away? Find new friends, make a new life, finally have something to talk about other than the usual "not much. just been working and going to school". Quit my job? Which I've had forever, could probably get easily promoted with my experience and skills (comparitively speaking). I've grown tired of it, but got damn it's so convienient and I've gotten too comfortable with the environment.  

I have an urge to buy a new warddrobe. Get tatoos. Get involved in social media (my interaction with friends in R/L is severly lacking) Revamp and restock my pitifully small collection of music. Buy a better computer, and lots of music production equipment. Maybe try to chase my dream of becoming a "professional" musician in some regard as I set out to do what seemed like just yesterday (http://suspended-3rd-chord.newgrounds.com/news/post/135856- note to all people, if you think of something every day, never give up on it, discipline yourself to practice and work at it consistently, I have no doubts I would be where I set out for had I practiced at a consistent level from when I was 19)   All stuff I've literally been planning (and saving for) on doing for the last 6 years. Aside from that, there's plenty things I would want to do, become a science/math teacher, medicine & health, social worker, work in the gaming industry, fetish photographer, start a produce farm, become involved with a sports team, work in law enforcement...But I'm afraid I won't be able to regain that appreciation, and it will all go to waste, become immaterial, all the wasted effort will end up hurting me in the end. Truthfully, is there any solace to be had in atleast trying? anyways enough of this rambling and sloppy writing for now it's time for my korean head massage



Posted by S3C - December 25th, 2013

I have trouble waking up

Not because I'm tired

But because the dream-world is so much better than this "reality" could ever be
