Greetings and salutations denizens of NewGrounds! I'd like to welcome you to my page. This is a hangout for everyone. A digital medium where I shall retweet salient thoughts about the universe and stuff. A place of public dissent and enlightenment. A forum that fosters political and scientific discourse alike. A symposium that encourages multicultural enrichment, tolerance, and equality for all. As a Dr. of public health, I feel both delighted and obliged to a certain degree to enhance the well-being of other members that contribute to the rich culture of this fine, artistic establishment.
After a life of good and bad times alike and adventure in the far east, I explored the world and ended up pursuing undergraduate studies in the fine arts abroad in the great west. Taking a different path from my parental generations who occupied engineering, convienience store management, and outsourced telecommunications operations-I pursued a doctorate in public health and graduated at the top of my online class.
I hold this website in high regard. In the astoundingly astute and provocative words of one of my great Swedish mentors the Cyberdevil "No Amount Of Decreased Forum Usage, No Amount Of Lack Of EXP Deposits, No Amount Of Deleted Submissions, No Amount Of Star Syndicate Mass Voting, No Amount Of Lack Of Awards For Hentai Material, No Amount Of Changes Since The Optimal Oldskool Designs, No Amound Of Lack Of Info Like The Filesizes On Submissions Or Submissions By Same Author Or Stats Page Lists Can Ever Take Away The Resilliance Of This Creative Empire And Keep Me Away." In other words, despite this site's decline in popularity over the last few years, nothing can ever take away my pride of being a NewGrounds user. I still find this to be the the premium medium for indie content- don't believe me take your best shot lol. SoundCloud, ReverbNation, MySpace, SoundClick, BandCamp, InstaGram, 4Square, Orkut, YouTubes, XVideos, Vine, PureVolume, just to name a few are flooded by mainstream artists and revenue schemes that overshadows just as hip if not more hip indie content. Besides, these sites simply just aren't as sleek as NewGrounds, as they don't offer tools such as the Collabinator, a finely tuned Blamming system, and Scouter levels....I mean for f*cks sake FaceBook doesn't even have an audio player or animated .gif support!! You would think that a site connected to billions of individuals would get with the program already, geez. Not to mention, NewGrounds has a much richer history and holds seniority over these websites by centuries in internet years.
In a world that is now implicitly governed by social media, I foresee the next redesign will evolve this fine institution into the next interactive digital giant: SocialGrounds. Such was predictable at the onset of the two previous redesigns: a precursory blogging system in 2007, and the friend system in 2012. It only makes sense! Rather than promote microblogging or mindless rehashing of mundane ideas to family and friends on your FaceBooks, new NewGrounds (as I call it, SocialGrounds!) will foster intelligent, pragmatic discussion and freedom of creativity...It is my opinion that everyone is an athlete, scientist, and an artist(society does a good job sometimes at inhibiting our abilites to be all three!) needless to say NewGrounds has always done an exceptional to catering to the their slogan goes, "everything by everyone" it's up to the community here to embrace an integration of social media that encourages all users to follow their creative pursuits! Whether it be making animations, acting, music, literature, programming, artwork, even reviewing/forum posts/blog comments all is a creative outlet to express yourself! Embrace yourself in the magnificence and uniqueness of your entire being and you are one step closer to enlightment.
This is a picture of my friend you can see he's a bit camera shy lol!! don't worry NewGrounds, he doesn't mean anything by it! it's all in good clean and fun jokes
Don't be shy to ask questions or for feedback on your artistic pursuits and post some sick tunes...after all I'm here to help baby lol
Sending you good vibes and positive karma,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
A symposium! so it follows these rules?lol
Oh i see, we are going to have a lot of drinks? in that case i don't really drink alcohol, but i am fine with juice thanks a lot, just send the fruits i will make the rest here.
Fuck Yeah! it doesn't gets more sleek than Newgrounds! once you get to know the page, and before that... it is also sleek but as in a shady kind of way XD.
Socialgrounds Pff what a corny name haha.
Neil deGrasse Tyson is giving me the finger!
Questions, questions.... mmmh, yeah how can i evade carpal tunnel without limiting my time at video games?
Ah! questions about art? XD, well shit... mmmh, but i am not really an artist, however when will your next tune be released Dr. S3C?
Hell no dude...this is just an informal learning playground...but more importantly, a damn good place to hang!!
Well I have plenty of mangos!! seems to be an Indian thing.
The Indian Science Guy Lol
I recommend switching to the Wii system, and engaging in programs such as the Wiifit. This is the future of video games. It is unbeknownst to most people that we are just now scratching the surface of incorporating virtual and augmented realities as means of enriching our digital mediums. One can boldly predict that within the next five years google glass and other VR simulators will be affordable to the general public. Gone are the days when video games could be considered a major culprit in childhood obesity, inactivity, and social anxiety. It is truly astounding how video games have evolved over the past decades into becoming means to bolster the intellectual capacities of its users, and now means of helping its users stay physically fit and mentally stimulated.
uhh, probably never?? considered i'm unofficially retired. Not an artist you say?? here's proof to the contrary lol:
Sending you my warmest regards,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -