An online doctorate? Damn, I've been wasting my online time, not that I've paid for a connection for over 10 years... What sort of things have you learned?
Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
An online doctorate? Damn, I've been wasting my online time, not that I've paid for a connection for over 10 years... What sort of things have you learned?
Time enjoyed is no time wasted dude...I've learned everything from healthy bowel habits to social and cultural equality to calculus to how to make sick tunes to how to pick up sexy Indian women...just haven't followed up on the last one LOL
Wishing you well in your digital pursuits,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
So i take it you wont be mailing me any mangoes any time soon? haha.
No no that's Bill Nye haha, Tyson is as he likes to call himself "your personal astrophysicist" wonder what his wife thinks about that... XD.
Like the Oculus and Morpheus? well Nintendo had the Virtual Boy and that failed maybe they will get back into VR eventually, but i agree with that future, the question is how will Dota 3 play in such devices? even more will Valve ever get over it's phobia with the #3!?.
Mmmh i don't know man my gallery is too unrefined and lazily done for even me to call it art, plus this is the closest thing i have ever gotten to do actual art: and i have put that project on hiatus for years now, so yeah... i am more of a hobbyist than an artist and a lazy hobbyist at that!
"how to pick up sexy Indian women" go on...
Hell no....take as many mangoes as you like...they're all over the GOT DAMN should see when the roads when there's a storm, it's a like a mango avalanche lol
I'm sure his wife is quite proud of his illustrious endeavors!
I forgot about the Virtual Boy!! seems like a system of the distant is a little disheartening that it's taken so long for virtual reality systems to become integrated within mainstream culture, although such consoles have existed since the 80s! I guess this type of technology has stayed amongst high ranking government officials and the Illuminati, much like reverse image search algorithms which were not incorporated into google until mid 2011.
sick painting dude!! is that planet namek? everything that is expressive and/or creative is art!! like I said in my comments, whether it be something as large as a game, or something as simple as a comment or review.
oh nothing...just another online network that helps the non-Chads of this world try to successfully pick up women. Like my aspirations to become RIPPED, buy a good rig, release a jazz album, get my name on IMDB, just simply have not come to fruition.
Wishing you safety from plight,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Seems like you got an good education, congrats! Now hurry up and get a good job, before the world falls apart! I went out with a sexy Indian woman (who was a few inches taller than me). Oh man, was she stacked and good looking :) She took after her father, mom, and brother, and became an accountant.
are you pulling my leg dude...literally no women dates a man that's shorter than them...there's been only a couple documented cases of such happening within the past 15 years
Sending good energies your way,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Sounds kinda delicious actually XD.
A free spirit i see!
Well astronauts and pilots have been using it for quite some time already, so it is kinda time that we get a more recreational use of this tech... again and in a more successful way.
Actually i didn't knew exactly what i was panting other than it was a bunch of floating islands, with the occasional twisted tree and eventually i would add some alien like lifeforms to it, and then recently i stumbled upon a really similar work and it said "inspired by Avatar" and then it hit me, maybe i was unconsciously replicating it, i remember being quite hyped about that movie and then disappointed by it, which is something that happens more often that i like to admit when one of my favorite artist Wayne Barlowe is involved with these movies, so i heard that he is working in them, i get my hopes up and then find out that his involvement is not really that deep.
Ah so comments and reviews count? then we all are artist as long as we have something to say XD.
But i have seen some quite flabby successful Bollywood actors, so no need to get ripped for that, i bet CyberDevil knows more about that he knows way more of those movies.
Hell yeah dude...promotes a clean colon too!
Exactly! Everyone's an or should be an athlete, even if they don't play a sport. Some people go hiking, some people go free running, musicians would be athletes of the finer finger muscles. Everyone can and should be a scientist too...their ideas should be testable, everyone should understand how the natural world works and be able to critically think...same goes with being an artist lol
That's not why I wish to get ripped though. In fact, that's lower on a woman's list than most expect. Shamefully, the only Bollywood movies I've seen is Slumdog Millionaire, Sound of Music, and this lol
Wishing you a million Cyberdevil "Yeahs"
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
I'm 5' 4" so yeah I can understand your disbelief. But I was younger then, more charming...
Huh, there was a Dr. Chandra in the movie adaptation of 2010... He was the dude who built HAL and SAL :)
just messing dude...perhaps you're like Tom Cruise. That guy is devastatingly handsome, quite rich, and looks cool as hell when he runs. Yet all three of his wives exceed(ed) him in height.
Doesn't surprise me...Chandra is a common surname in the Punjab...
Wishing you continued romantic success amidst vertical challenges,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
I guess Cruise and I share some features, but I'm down with Jesus, not some guy named Ron |: I did get plenty of nicknames though.. I'm pretty mojo-less atm
Yeah, you guys need some more last names... West Virgina's kinda like that; almost half of them are Taylor or Smith
Most people are down with Jesus...after all everyone loves a hippie that can brew some sick wines and can float extra-well on water...the ultimate question here is are you down with the triple breasted Hindustani goddess??
Please come again,
-Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C"-
Time to get some mangoes then, for colon cleanliness!!
That some nice idealism, like most idealism, but it is doable? or it ends in a should?
Hahaha i think that we all have seem at least one of the movies featuring the Indian Chuck Norris XD.
Oh so they don't want to date Bollywood actors? goes figures, so your rippiness is something unrelated to your IMDB aspirations?
Oh Nietzlawe and I have a character called a Midget called Ron in our Wiki the coincidences haha.
How would it not be doable? Think of all the things you haven't accomplished in your life...most of them are doable, it's just that you haven't made the time or have been passionate enough about doing them...
I wouldn't know!! Most marriages within the Punjab are arranged anyway
Everything one does throughout life should be done primarily for autotellic reasons...I do such for the sake of fitness, releasing endorphins, sheer enjoyment, and to promote good bowel health. My ripeness on the other hand...
Wishing you a spirited week,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Ah but i am talking in a universal level, not just about me.
So how does that work? your parents go and do some deals with her parents? or do you go to a how do they call them... Japan has one of those "marriage organizers" where they get you a blind date but is actually to get you married, or maybe you just pick a wife once you get a certain status (as in now you are a doctor! damn man! you are a doctor congrats! kinda late but congrats! XD) in society (do you still have castes? didn't Buddha and then Gandhi fought against that?)?
I see so you want to get all buff just to get all healthy and stuff, now that's responsible!
Ripe? as in ready to be harvested? are you going to die!? i mean the only thing that i have ever heard of humans getting harvested is when they get their souls collected which is all just a really long way to say that they are pretty much dead now.
Doesn't matter dude...the comment I made towards you applies to everyone...
Yep, that's about right!! A man is ready to marry when he's financially stable and/or is able to sustain a family on their own, and the girl is of age (in her twenties, 18 at youngest as child marriages have been illegal now for sometime...although it still seems to be fairly common, unfortunately). Then a parent or older relative makes a match based on certain qualities that would deem the couple compatible...some of it's even done online now lol ( With that said, these marriages are by no means forced, the bride and groom to be hopefully share a mutual interest before getting married...My family has adopted western judeo-christian values and we don't go through such processes atleast not in this generation. Sometimes I wish we do though, would certainly alleviate my troubles with women a bit...not that I want to get married, but a girlfriend would be nice lol.
Thanks for the congratulations! It is a fun ride. Yeah, we still have castles over here...and snake charmers...and flying carpets and magic I realize that's more stereotypical of the middle east but close enough lol
Perhaps I'm getting ripped to compensate for certain things LOL
Oh wow never thought of it that way...yes, we are all going to die, unless someone gets a hold of manufactured telomerase elongation & repair enzymes that the Illuminati keeps to itself..have you forgotten that humans are the primary source for biofuel harvesting used to power the Machine City outside the Matrix
On to continuing the temporal insight,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
But everyone doesn't has the same biological, social, economical, political, etc. circumstances as mine, so you can't really apply it to them, and tell them that as long as they have the will they can do it.
I see so first you make sure you can sustain a family, but your parents choose your partner? what if they have bad taste? they will keep presenting you women that don't go with your "fantasies" XD.
Haha then go to an online dating site, however i have heard that they are quite bad and have a lot of shady characters, lololol forget that bad idea haha. Ah it must be hard i personally never cared for getting a girlfriend and i still don't care, my hope is to get my life stable enough so that wont become a future problem of mine.
Haha i get the magic lamps were really smoke lamps that induced hallucinogenic experiences thanks to the opium mixed with the rest of the compound on the lamps, and that helped to propagate the magical properties of these lamps, but i don't know where the flying carpets came from.
Oh... oh i see, right but i mean, how much would that affect the relationship, and even more when she gets to finally see it, surely there would be other things to get her hooked, like personality and technique... i don't know man! size is not everything, is just all XD.
Oh right, but that is only true if we are indeed in THAT model of the Matrix.
Must be nice to have a cancer like body that just refuses to deteriorate and keeps living on enjoying of longevity, i don't see the Illuminati allowing such a thing to us peasants, that would ruin their business, and death brings it profit illnesses too.
Such applies to all healthy individuals that don't live locked up in cages. Social, economical, and political circumstances are generally immaterial- they may put such individuals at a disadvantage at worst but it doesn't prevent them from self-betterment and personal can be in poverty while still enjoying the ability to exercise, seek education, and express their poetic nature.
"Limits, like fears, are often an illusion"
-Michael Jordan in Space Jam
ahh, and such is life in the Punjab!! I think Indian couples are generally less picky and more accepting when it comes to relationships...hey, about 1/100 marriages end up in divorce as opposed to Western culture where 1/2 married couples will divorce at one point!! Some of that has to do with more liberal cultural implications regarding matrimony (ironically, same cultural values commonly oppose gay marriages in entirety)...but finding that "perfect match" or "the one" in order to get married is a popular notion romanticized by Western culture and even Bollywood to a certain degree!!
Online sites aren't as shady as you may think (adult dating excluded)'s just that 90% of the women there are single mothers (ehh) and the male portion are spread amongst 50% beta-male virgins and other 50% alpha males who are just trying to "hit and quit" outside of their normal sex lives...which group do you think is more successful?
I used to not care that much either about getting a girl either, it still isn't at the forefront of my mind or an issue that makes me depressed by any means...that void used to be filled emerging creativity in my young adult that I've gotten a bit older such creative energy is died down.
Anything is possible when laced with hallucinogenics...lamps are actually hookah pipes...all recreationally done in moderation of course
Ahh, but you missed a key point...telomerase elongators increase the chance of cancer, however reparation enzymes reduce deleterious mutagenic effects...such enzymes may be released at one point...after all much of the Illuminati thrives off the pharmaceutical industry standard....keep them alive long enough to maximize profit, but don't cure them so they can continue to buy more and more medicines. Anyways, the government has to worry about space travel and terraforming first, the Earth is nearing it's carrying capacity!!
May your kismet be filled to the brim with wonderful things,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Not all education is free and open to everyone, so poverty and social circumstances play an enormous role in this, so huge that the individual is cornered to suffer that powerless life, to think otherwise is delusional really, while i am at that if you are in such situation where you cant educate yourself, then exercising... even more if you are in a really bad situation lets say malnourished, that is just a dream by that point, and then the pursuit of an art... that becomes but a mere fantasy not even a dream.
MJ is an asshole and a racist to his own people, and it pains me to admit that he was a childhood hero of mine. "Limits, like fears, are often an illusion" not all fears are unjustified, and while is true that we humans organised the world to explain it, not everything is an illusory construct for the sake of convenience.
Indeed western marriages are nowadays based on feelings (like love), and that is unreliable, in the past they were contracts that deal with social, economical and of course symbolic capital, they were transactions, but as things stand now marriage is just an obsolete joke, and unnecessary to boot! is about time we get something else that adapts better to the current model of human relationships, however such a change will affect the dynamics of power because is a direct change to the formation of family, the basic social group in society, and the ones in power don't want such a thing because it allows to think about alternatives to how society is build (among other things), and is this conservative group the same that opposes gay marriage, which is a dumb notion on itself in a state that self-refers to itself as independent to religion, a thing like the legitimization of the civil status of a person or group should not be done using the tools of the church, and yet...
You are not into 60+ year old almost milfs? XD.
Well they are all loser, they are on an online dating site to begin with! so asking which group is more successful is practically an oxymoron, but i guess the later sample of male must be what is considered as the lesser loser.
Time to get some new experiences then, maybe that will give you some ideas to get back in the arts.
Then all they have to do is inhibit the release of those enzymes.
Well Curiosity has been working hard lately, it recently found some trials of sand, that may clue to superficial Martian water.
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree there dude...By education, I don't solely mean conventional schooling, which unfortunately is not available to everybody. but the vast majority of individuals have access to books, at the very least, the chance to seek out higher knowledge from other people. Also, think about the notion of a starving artist...people in the slums of India to villages in Africa find ways to create makeshift instruments out of everyday household items, and transmit and communicate their creativity through music. Even the majority of the early jazz greats grew up practicing their instruments in impoverished circumstances...Obviously, malnourished individuals and those "cornered to suffer that powerless life" would be precluded from my statement, as I prefaced in my last comment.
It is no secret that Michael Jordan could be a jerk to other people...unfortunately such is a common theme amongst people of high power; athletes in particular tend to let their egos get the best of them. But interesting, never heard he was racist towards his own people...where did you hear that
Some astoundingly astute and provocative conclusions regarding marriage, Doomroar! I would have to agree.
Oh websites are not entirely bad. I'm sure there's plenty of gilfs too...but I'd draw the line at a 50 year old. There's plenty of ladies in 20s, 30s, and 40s at such online gatherings...problem is they all have baggage they want you to carry...
It is what it is dude...sexual and creative energies are amongst many kinds of spirits that tend to diminish as one grows older...
Superficial extra-terrestrial H2O you say??? what's the difference? unusually high concentration of deuterium isotopes?? presence of silicon-based lifeforms??
Towards breaking the oneness,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
And that is my point man, that is not an universal, you can't tell people "as long as you want you can do it", well you can, and it sounds nice, but is a fallacy, it takes more than just will to get a good life, is a big factor yes, but is nonsense, is like saying that office workers neglect their families because they hate their families, and probably some do, but not all of them and yet they never spend time with their families, "clearly is because they lack the will...", is that so? maybe they do.
It was a well known fact that he was quite the asshole, but for him to be racist and to his own kin, and that was a hit to me, because as i said he was my hero too, here you can have the whole story
They probably are not as bad, but single not so young mothers, desperate virgins, and a bunch of cheaters-sexual-adventures are not really an image synonymous of a good site XD.
Oh man gilfs, no no no no haha, sure having that "memento" of past relationships is quite a turn off.
What about the almighty drugs? that should at least solve the "sexual energy" problem, however is quite the kick to the self-esteem...
Nothing that fancy really, well the biggest difference would be in case that they get more conclusive evidence, that since is near the surface or better said at the surface and not frozen underground, then the life... if they ever find any has more chances of existing since now they get light as an energy source, and if they don't find any, then there is always the fact that they found non frozen water in the surface or at least that it can sustain non frozen water despite it having such a bad atmosphere, which would make terraforming easier. So in resume it would make easier the task of finding life, or sending life to mars... eventually (now that i think about it, what a minuscule progress...).
Seems like we are getting off tangent dude...I'm not sure how we got to familial gatherings from artistic, athletic, and scientific pursuits...
Hmm...interesting. In my opinion it is best not to take what Chamillionaire says at face value. This reminds me of that one South Park episode...where Cartman & friends got the official definition of fag(got) to be changed from a homosexual slur to individuals who ride obnoxious and loud Harley bikes...when it comes to vulgarities in particular, words in and of themselves do not hold much meaning, it is the connection that the word implies that holds meaning. Faggot and nigger are words used all the time to describe annoying individuals, not just used exclusively at a certain social the same time they are commonly used as terms of endearment. While what Jordan did was completely inappropriate, I wouldn't jump the gun to equate his actions with racism...after all he takes pictures with black people all the time. Perhaps he meant he didn't want to take pictures with males in general, or be seen with a group that promotes thug lifestyles (not sure if that's what Chamillionaire raps about- although it is a common theme in modern hip hop expression)....understandably so, as Jordan's father died at the hands of thugs...Regardless, the quote still stands for what it is, as does Jordan's accomplishments and contributions to the game of basketball. Athletes are best modeled after for their insane work ethic, drive, physical flair, and mental toughness...but unfortunately not for their overall character...
Medicated boners LoL?? works to a degree...
Oh. I forgot Martian meant "from Mars". I thought you meant they found some strange sample of water on planet earth...and yep yep...Water, light, and carbon (or a tetravalent substitute) is all that is needed to sustain life in it's most simple form....the ultimate question here is how can we sustain a hydrological cycle on a planet given poor environmental conditions...
Forgot to sign off my post,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Simple if they don't have time to spend time with their family they wont have time to spend time studying, making art or exercising like is supposed to be done (some hardly get time to go and waste themselves at a bar with some drinks), and is a constraint outside of their control, well they could quite their jobs, but is that really an option? yes it is, if they are ok living in poverty, but that is probably better than being a slave to your job... or is it?
And i would have to agree but he is far from being a thug, indeed if you pay attention to him he is quite decent so as a thug he kinda fails in that department to assume he is is ironically just confirmation of what he talks on his songs prejudice based on appearances, and if Jordan was not full of himself, i would have agreed even more, but he is, for him to have a resentment against others even if they are his own people is not really hard to think about, but we all know (and this holds true even more for Jordan) of the difference between n****r and n***a, and for all intents and purposes n****r is made to dehumanize the other, even more he could have used n***a and it would have carried the same meaning. But yeah i agree people like Jordan should be models known for their performance as athletes and not for their characters, however i really don't see the appeal in that, indeed his character makes me to just ignore his sportsmanship prowess, as for the quote i also find that part as unpolished and unpractical.
To a degree? is the situation really that bad? or is for the unwanted effects that may come with that medication?
I was running short of characters so i wan unable to add the rover to the name, so that is kinda my fault haha, yeah without its magnetosphere the planet is pretty much naked, and to regain it they would need to work on its core, however if they find that they can get frozen and liquid water on the surface as things are, maybe they will find an alternative, but yeah i don't see them getting things like clouds any time soon without doing something really extraordinary.
Lol is the signature really that important?
One can still find the means to integrate and enjoy artistic, physical, and intellectual activities within and from office to labor jobs.
I wouldn't say the quote is impractical...the key word is "often"...preconceived boundaries are often broken, and our fears are often irrational.
Oh god no...I was just speaking on general terms, not personal. I've never used male enhancement pills before. Haven't needed to. But there's no denying there's been a noticeable (but not significant enough) decrease in natural, sexual drive from teen to early twenties years up until later 20s and so on.
Terraforming just requires too much damn resources and insane thermodynamic demands...the human race may very well be f*cked...maybe there's a way to resection a planet or another geological body and force it into Earth's orbit cycle..although that may not be feasible according to gravity...but in the words of the disowned Michael Jordan such limits are often an illusion...
Sticking with themes and adding a personal flair,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Lol why is my nig ger and nig ga censored? and not yours?
That's just how it is baby!! I'm just being me. Perhaps NewGrounds gives additional privileges to doctors for the sake of academic discourse.
Much love peace and happiness and stuff to all,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
I would love to hear about your time management solution.
Yep that often is indeed the key word, the problem seems to come from my now damaged perception of MJ.
Haha, XD, oh i see, my bad, my bad lololol, ah i get, in that case i have the same situation i am definitively not as active as i was when i was 16, i am saving quite some money on tissues XD.
Interesting if i get what you are saying, you want to put another earth like body into our orbit around the sun? so no we have 2 earths? but where would we find such a body with such characteristics and with such closeness to us? or maybe you meant earths orbit so now we have an extra moon that we can populate?
Wow, much flair, so personal, such theme.
Haha to think that NG gives such privileges to doctors, and i was here thinking that it maybe was the supporter badge.
Unfortunately that's proprietary documentation at this time...just standard doctor procedure.
Yes that's precisely what I mean...possibly shooting a large projectile at Mars to break a chunk of the planet off, and somehow position it such that it is within Earth's elliptical trajectory so this new celestial body orbit is in the same path around the sun. That way there would be only minimal terraforming as the environmental variables would be approximately the same as Earth's. Of course, there's probably some massive gravitational hurdles that would need to be accounted for...displacing such a large mass would probably through Earth's orbit and gravity out of wack...the very least of said problems would be adding a gravitational forecast to weather channels and reports...And we all know too well how annoying meteorologists are.
Oh, I forgot about the supporter badge, could be that...No but on the real though I don't think the censor applies to author responses.
Sticking it to the man with anti-censorship,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Haha oh well but at least knowing that is possible however it may be done, is something i guess.
Mmmh but sharing orbit with another suppermassive body would indeed as you have said mess with our own orbit so before taking that risk we should make sure that both our planet and the new rock will remain habitable, maybe we can make domes in the new one and some miniature individual weathers inside each dome.
I see, i see, i will try to remember for future reference.
Wait what exactly are you sticking into that man Dr S3C!?
gum, tape, silly putty, gold star stickers, boogers...basically anything that has a high adhesiveness for the human epidermis...
Towards another day on NewGrounds,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Oh you vandal! XD.
lol that quotation lol, I'm honored lol. For real. Don't mind the lol's!
This post starting as an awingly inspiring and empowering post, a realization of visions and truths that further strengthened my bonds to this place and made my perspective once again rice from gradient grays to radiant rays of enclosing peace and potential prosperity! The latter third or fourth of the post didn't hold quite much inspiration, but nevetheless good fun, and so I am here to say that it was a masterful monologue and I am happy to have inspired a part of it, and also ambivalent to if writing my posts with Capital Letters For Each New Word was such a good idea even if I was only humbly attempting to emulate the same pattern of writing as a noble homie. Thanks for this literate segment of richening entertainment and wisdom alike!
lol dude...this post is exactly what it was meant to be, nothing more, nothing less. I wonder whom that noble homie is...seems like a swell guy
Sending you positive vibes and good karma,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
sick doom wads dude!! those guys creep me the f*ck out tho
stay inundated with this sh*t,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C"
A symposium! so it follows these rules?lol
Oh i see, we are going to have a lot of drinks? in that case i don't really drink alcohol, but i am fine with juice thanks a lot, just send the fruits i will make the rest here.
Fuck Yeah! it doesn't gets more sleek than Newgrounds! once you get to know the page, and before that... it is also sleek but as in a shady kind of way XD.
Socialgrounds Pff what a corny name haha.
Neil deGrasse Tyson is giving me the finger!
Questions, questions.... mmmh, yeah how can i evade carpal tunnel without limiting my time at video games?
Ah! questions about art? XD, well shit... mmmh, but i am not really an artist, however when will your next tune be released Dr. S3C?
Hell no dude...this is just an informal learning playground...but more importantly, a damn good place to hang!!
Well I have plenty of mangos!! seems to be an Indian thing.
The Indian Science Guy Lol
I recommend switching to the Wii system, and engaging in programs such as the Wiifit. This is the future of video games. It is unbeknownst to most people that we are just now scratching the surface of incorporating virtual and augmented realities as means of enriching our digital mediums. One can boldly predict that within the next five years google glass and other VR simulators will be affordable to the general public. Gone are the days when video games could be considered a major culprit in childhood obesity, inactivity, and social anxiety. It is truly astounding how video games have evolved over the past decades into becoming means to bolster the intellectual capacities of its users, and now means of helping its users stay physically fit and mentally stimulated.
uhh, probably never?? considered i'm unofficially retired. Not an artist you say?? here's proof to the contrary lol:
Sending you my warmest regards,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -