one moment, everything seems to be going fine
then in a blink of an eye everything begins to crumble
Something deep down is slowly being erased, taken from me, something that I fear in the grand scheme of things transcends any value
I was only trying to reach a common middle default I'm a skeptic...and many unfortunate lives have to be wasted until the mouths of skeptics are finally quieted...
But everything's fair game once Pandora's box has been opened right? It's near impossible to find a correlation with the causation, but the truth at some point, will eventually surface
brb going to reflect on bad life choices of the past, present, and forthcoming for a while..peace and enjoy the .gif
Someone screwed the code and the whole research was invalidated, i have seen it before, lives ruined.
oh jesus -_- I can already sense that 2015 is going to be a sh*t year hopefully I'm wrong