Wise thought there S3C. That's how I reasoned with my p2015, just get it out of the way; keep going. And lately with those quick audio recordings to random beats too... it just feels good to create, and vent, imperfect results but practice makes perfect.
I too consider myself jacked up on a great multitude of trades, but prominent at none... yet. Focusing solely on one of these areas is what I thought/think/feel I must do, and yet I'd rather just keep going with all of them. Lately, working an almost-full-time job and focusing on hobbies in spare time... it seems like that might be possible too! Just little time left over for socializing and stuff.
Microbiology and genetics seems interesting to a certain extent, and music's always fun, the other topics: over my head.
I never had a Project 2013. :) But closing in on two years indeed... and I plan to keep going next year with something different. Been pondering just posting pictures of my lunch, though, it'll probably have something to do with writing anyway. Good way to stay creative. Anyway, thanks for the mention man. I know we talked about this before, and it still sounds like an awesome idea, though ambitious. 90 jams might not he as difficult as actually making them 90 days in a row! :O I'm thinking it would be fun to try doing some vocal improv with your instrumental improvs, if there's time when the time comes...
And yet, maybe insects hold the key to immortality! Beautiful speech. Sorry for your loss! Sorry for the dog. And RIP Sir Fatstuff McBiggiestein...
Man that's one long post i need an abstract on this.
I conclude my tl;dr posts with an abstract in gif form. But they say a picture is worth a 1000 words, and abstracts are limited to 250, though...so I guess I didn't think that one through...let me think about it and get back to you?