Pandora's box is opened by the skeptics, but it is built by the non-skeptics.
Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
Pandora's box is opened by the skeptics, but it is built by the non-skeptics.
An Astoundingly Astute And Provocative Sentiment
Damn that was a lot of big words :0
Enjoying the GIF, pondering what potential choices you may be pondering, wandering into the yonder in search for whatever yonder's bring, going on and in, into the mist of myth, a dawn so grim not even the GIF seems to appall a min.
do you like Drake
Man I can't get used to this new comment order! Was just thinking that "woah! so many new comments since I last posted!!". Anyway, as for Drake hmm. First impressions were't that great, the lyrics I've heard seem a bit generic, and he seems to use a lot of autotune. But I haven't heard a lot of his music at all, last one I listened to was the YOLO anthem (which btw didn't reach very high on the charts here in Sweden, I stumbled upon it via YT I think)... and that one was pretty catchy. Different. Not bad. How so?
How so what??
Glad to see you are back, how was outer (as far as orbit can go) space mister astronaut S3C?
Is just "mid" February, things can always get more shittier! or better...
oh jesus, mary, and joseph -_- this year just keeps worse and major complaints from me though
Sounds melancholy af
that's because we live in a f*cked up world my friend...btw are you going to bring back the exotic obscure soda newsposts...i can't get enough of that sh*t
Damn that was a long ass time ago, like when I first made this account 3 years ago and didn't even know what I was going to do on this site. I wouldn't have ever remembered that if you hadn't of brought it up.
How so "do I like Drake?"?
You just explained "how so" that you liked Drake...or do you mean "why do you ask?" as to why I asked "do you like Drake" or more importantly have you really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Well yeah the weather is insane lately, one day is heating up, the next we get half day of rain, and so and so.
BTW this is the first time i get to chat with an astronaut!!!
I Got 99 Problems But The Weather Ain't One
I thought "how so" was synonymous with "why do you ask", but more short and easy to type, and extensionally also funkily sounding! Or maybe there was no "how so" in the first place, since the initial question lacked the mark that marks a question and might thus have been entirely rhetoric? But assuming I do like Drake would be strange rhetoric. Do go want to look more like how? O_o
oops...well maybe it was a rhetorical question. I mean after all Drake is a Canadian rap god OvO
This has been bugging me lately:
Why the hell do people call dick girls, girls?
If it has a penis the size of an arm (or any size really), that's clearly a man in drag!
This gender identity diversify, is making a world i am not comfortable in, maybe is true this year will keep getting worse.
So 99 Thai men in drag but a bitch ain't one? XD
First of all, "dick-girl" is just a title, it should not inherently imply one gender or another. Put quotations around "girl" if you want to appease both parties. Secondly and more importantly, biological constructs only define sex, but as far as a sexual-erotic and cultural context they do not define gender, nor is gender a binary concept despite what is largely established through tradition
As I understand, a man in a drag has effeminate qualities, usually through feminine dress and application of makeup but still identifies as a male
While a dick girl ultimately identifies as a female- from voice, makeup, painted nails, silky smooth skin, facial structures, clothing, (artificial) hormones, female breasts, they just happen to have a penis. Even orchiectomies are commonplace in dick-girls. I do not think one body part or a single chromosomal difference in and of itself are enough to set the gender. Remember, this is purely from a sexual-erotic perspective, not biological as dick-girls are not scientific classifications but social ones. I've never heard of a male homosexual who is attracted to dick-girls (or a female homosexual that is attracted to vagina-boys, though that is extremely less common than their counterpart). I've heard of "straight" (perhaps not purely heterosexual- but like gender I do not see sexual preferences as being appropriately classified in a binary hetero or homo system), bisexual, and confused men being attracted to the dick-girls. Sometimes the penis is a turnoff but the aggregate quantity and quality of the feminine characteristics draws an overall erotic attraction to the dick-girl.
Yes, that's the joke. Jay-Z vacations in Thailand, finds 99 sexy Thai "women" but a b*tch is never one of his problems not because he has trouble landing Asian chicks but because it turns out that the Thai girls he scored have penises
Well Dr S3C that just means you have 99 Thai manwhores who are really feminine, and have invested on some "breast enhancement", didn't knew you were working as a pimp now...
Manwhores do not have the same function as T-girls though...
pimping is illegal...however running an escort agency, where clients offer a donation for expected yet completely voluntary extended dating services is perfectly legal.
Fernando disagrees!
Subtle, subtle.
Well you can tell Fernando to not kill my vibe b*tch, don't kill my vibe
Don't say you're a... polytheist O_o
@Doomroar on topic of misleading dick girl gender classification, how about: boob men? Simple, concise; self-explanatory! No dicking around.
The noun is for the gender of intent, the verb is for the trait that is not normal for the gender. So no, that wouldn't work in the case of MtF transsexual.
Yo! just because Gooseman's Manwhore Industries had to close down, it doesn't means that now you are the top pimp of the world!
@Cyberdevil boob-men sounds as accurate as a dick-girls to me, but that would go against Dr S3C hypothesis of homosexual males not being attracted to these persons.
The top pimp is actually Moneybags from Spyro:
Boob-men is a term reserved for males afflicted with gynecomastia.
Pff that "pimp" can't even pimp himself 10k views, it is the perfect example for me to have used on this treasure hunt: with that said, i am glad i didn't use it.
It should also cover fat males.
so what of it?? Moneybags has pimped well over 10k gems from Spyro over the years...I feel like this is the late 90s all over again..."Dude you got a PS1?? that's so pimp. Check out my sick Razor scooter tricks, they're ghetto"
But gynecomastia patients have actual female-like breast tissue in their boobs. While on the other hand the breast tissue of fat males is mostly adipose (fat), that is less firm to touch than a real boob. Fat males can also correct their boobies through exercise, while that generally isn't the case with gynecomastia. So there is a difference. Not that I would know from personal experience or anything, as I've never touched a boob before, female or mantit :'(
The guy is clearly not a top pimp, that's what, he can't even afford himself some pants, those gems must have the worst purchasing power ever.
Still Boob-men.
You're right, Spyro lives in a utopia where monetary capital (paper money, cheap metal coins, and shiny minerals) has become redundant. So gems don't have any purchasing power, they are just really nice to look at...Moneybags is a former Wall-Street hedge fund analyst who is clinging on to old ways. I'm sure he could acquire pants if he really wanted...but he's a f*cking bear. No pants needed. Just a business coat, monocle, and triangular dress shoes to fulfill the gimmick.
Upon further inspection, it seems that Moneybags is in fact wearing dark brown khaki slacks that match his brown fur.
Well, that settles it then.
He is a wannabe pimp then, and you say that bear is better than Gooseman? i wan't some of that weed too man XD.
Nope pretty sure he is going commando, he is a bear after all, the shirt is just for show.
Or we could explore accusations, of you maybe being a boob predator...
Sorry, Michael Jordan took all of it.
Now dat's some jam. else can one transcend to a dimension where playing basketball with Looney Tunes, Bill Murray, and Newman is truly possible
Someone screwed the code and the whole research was invalidated, i have seen it before, lives ruined.
oh jesus -_- I can already sense that 2015 is going to be a sh*t year hopefully I'm wrong