Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
It's good info, although almost every new user shitposts and makes mistakes, even if they had read this before continuing... the unexpected personalities in the BBS, would see to it!
Thanks. Well I suppose this list could be pertinent to forum posting, namely #9 and #11.
Ehh, to be quite frank my level of sh*tposting has only increased since I signed up
thoughts on turkeybacon for breakfast
sounds delightful
Well this is rather disappointing. I had high hopes for this newspost. Really thought it may provoke a cult following amongst NewGrounders. Maybe next time.
The new owners of my farm (and their families) stopped by today, picked what was left of the garden, and brought a little guy and a chair... At first I thought it was a kind of garden gnome, something they'd take a picture of, or maybe a spiritual scarecrow. They said it was the 8th member of their family. I thought they'd leave it there in the middle of the field, but they took it back, then sat around in a circle in the middle of the property for the better part of an hour.... any idea what that's about?
So was this little guy real or not?? Where the Indians able to breathe life into him? Sounds to me like it's some demonic talisman. Whatever you do just don't look at it in the eyes.
First few years of school, I had a few east Indian friends and classmates... then the local wells got contaminated, and all the property punters split, wasn't till much later in life I got to live and work around Hindi speakers again. But now a committee of 3 owns my place, and I 'think' I can trust the lead owner's word. Hate ambiguity and a lack of amended paperwork
What makes things worse: my cousin's taking the sale of the farm really hard, hasn't been around much, and he's got the seed spreader and seed contact... and rain looks more and more likely this weekend >:( Problems...
what is it with Punjabs and contaminated water?? it's real problem back out there in India. Trust the owner's word to what??
So are the new owners of the place going to continue to cultivate the farm for some time?? I was under the impression your farm was being sold to make room for more "McMansions".
or was I being too ethnic with my questions?
HA! There is only one thing that offends me in this f*cked up world, that thing being: people whom are easily offended lol
tbh, I was raised pretty secular. Somewhat of a rarity in the Punjab. I moved to Arizona when I was still young, and I'm Americanized now as much as anyone; much of what I may have knew regarding Hindustani spiritual practices have been pushed to the Marianas Trench of my mind.
Yeah, they still want to make very expensive homes, and say they aren't in a rush to get me out, but the paperwork says differently; 200$ a day fine for each day I'm here past the 22nd. Farming the land is important, to reduce the taxes, but I haven't done that :( Hopefully they'll find someone early next year. It's likely any seed I put down would've be washed away anyway.
Nah, it was almost like a ventriloquist's puppet! Maybe there's a family significance to it, or possibly an old regional one... the new owners have pretty busy day-jobs.
@Cyberdevil still a decent newspost in 2019 albeit a bit cringeworthy.
It never did recieve that cult following amongst NewGrounders! I liked these times. When there were times. For wisdom. For workings and reworkings of the minds. Still proper life advice. Maybe people never got further than the #1. Kickstarter. Boom. Eye can opener.
hahaha I'm a bit guilty
Never read that convo you had with Vicarious here back in the day btw. Interesting too.
Ahh the Misinformational Motto Mashup in renewed and formatted form! :D I see #7 is all new, and plenty of the ones at the top combined and revised, but the lower you get the more similar the message. :) An inspirational dose of wisdom by the renowed Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra! S3C"
Without a doubt, but never certain. Without a fear, but never dumb. Without regret, but never impulsive. And without a trip, you’ll never (re)gain your balance.
#7 is #8, #6 is #6 and #7 combined.