Greetings and salutations denizens of NewGrounds!! I'd like to re-welcome you to my page with some enlightening addages modified from a page created by and on the @Cyberdevil domain that is a stark contrast with the morbid, gloomy words of my previous post.We live in a f*cked up world, so we all need a place to serve as a p. cool hangout for everyone!! A digital medium where I shall retweet salient thoughts about the universe and stuff. A place of public dissent and enlightenment. A forum that fosters political and scientific discourse alike. A symposium that encourages multicultural enrichment, tolerance, and equality for all. As a self- proclaimed veteran NewGrounder I feel both delighted and obliged to a certain degree to enhance the well-being of other members that contribute to the rich culture of this fine, artistic establishment. Without further adieu, let's get this f*cking party started!!
1. Don't waste time or time will waste you
2. It's not a waste of time if it's enjoyable (hence why when you get wasted you have the time of your life)
3. Stop f*cking around dude, just do it. Not a provocative or profound sentiment, but an astute one, too much time is spent complaining, making excuses, thinking about what could have been, while to get where you need to be in life, one needs to follow the Nike check mark logo, which is neither a provocative or profound image, but an astute one.
4. Think before you act or people will think for you and manipulate your actions
5. Only the wise know they are not wise.The more we understand the world and ourselves, the more we understand how infinitely complex we are as a collective and an individual. Thus, we recognize the extent to which a beginner we are, and less wise than we thought we once were (or could ever attain to be). If you pretend to be smart, you are a fool. If you are humble, eager to learn and teach others, acknowledge yourself as a n00b in every sense of the word, then you are cool.
6. You are whatever you tell yourself, and whatever you set your mind to. This is precisely why we live in a day and age where men can be women, women can pass as neither gender, and bearded men in their late twenties decide to be colorful little ponies.
.7. Only when you know your limitations, you know yourself. Fortunately, we only have an infinitesimal window in this f*cked up world to discover our limitations. Once limitations are discovered, we stop growing, and there is no longer a purpose to life. Who the f*ck wants to keep playing a video game when the final boss is slayed?
8. Life is not about the end result and success we may achieve, but about the journey and valuable moments on our way to the finish line
9. Learn from anyone and everyone, but follow absolutely noone
10. Work like hell to get where ever it is that you want to go...Relaxed, but never complacent. With a sense of urgency, but never stressed.
11. The world is too f*cked up of a place to ever be serious. The world is too f*cked up of a place to never not be sincere.
12. Live life applying our four dimensions- our athletic physical side, our creative poetic side, our analytical scientist side, and our otherworldly spiritual side.
13. Everything in this world has patterns. Everything can be percieved in its most simple binary form, and extrapolated or interpolated to its most complex form
14. The only true "reward" for completing a task is completion of the task itself
15. We practice and work to have fun at the end of the day. But in order to efficiently have fun, we must pust in concerted, smart practice.
Most importantly: Conjuring platitudes and making philosophical conjecture a great of evading and procrastinating from doing real work- and not feeling bad about it!! I welcome and encourage all NewGrounders to share their astoundingly astute and provocative sentiments as always.
Sending warm vibes, bright karma, and positive energies in the general direction of NewGrounders (spiritually everywhere and physically to east since the NewGrounds HQ is in Philadelphia and I'm on the West Coast),
-Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C"
Ahh the Misinformational Motto Mashup in renewed and formatted form! :D I see #7 is all new, and plenty of the ones at the top combined and revised, but the lower you get the more similar the message. :) An inspirational dose of wisdom by the renowed Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra! S3C"
Without a doubt, but never certain. Without a fear, but never dumb. Without regret, but never impulsive. And without a trip, you’ll never (re)gain your balance.
#7 is #8, #6 is #6 and #7 combined.