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Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
So what happens after the dreamer dies? does it wakes up? or just fades away?
And yeah that is quite the chill track, unexpected to go with the tittle XD.
fades away and wakes up/transforms.
So it all happens maybe in succession, maybe at the same time, i wonder... just in what is that awakened dreamer transformed, maybe a realist? or maybe a dreamless person...
let's see what pseudo-poetic response can I craft here?? Perhaps there is a kind of temporal invagination, where neurons start to fire unproportionally throughout the left brain. Perhaps this is the process when thoughts become decentralized, and one becomes restricted to categorical thinking inhibiting different, more colorful ways to see the world. Perhaps this is the birth of order and the death of chaos. I don't know. But I don't think being awake would implicate being a realist, as all dreamers can be realists, if they have the ultimate will to do so.
Yeah but non-dreamers can also be realist so it goes both ways, as a realist can conclude that his dreams can't be fulfilled, thus it stops dreaming. On the other hand if your dreams are now dead, then so are your aspirations, or you already fulfilled whatever dream you had, in any case a more colorful world is the least i would expect to happen after you stop dreaming, it would be nice to think that now order will arrive to our way of thinking as we now have a more active left brain to process information, but that would only be true if we say that what died were our fantasies and not our dreams, with our dreams gone we don't have a reason to actually look forward to the world. While all of those answers sound appropriate in principle they are in the end off-topic, as we end merging creativity, fantasy and order, with aspiration and goals, a misunderstanding brought from a difference in concepts, maybe i should have started this with something along the lines of "and what are dreams supposed to be?", and i guess you would answer me with the biological function of dreams, the kind we have as we sleep and not the other kind XD.
But that implicates a realist is born once the dream dies. A non-dreamer isn't anymore a realist than a dreamer, they just perceive reality differently. Indeed, both sides of the brain are necessary and functions that you listed are merged in order for one to progress. But if you look at the hierarchy of "intelligence", for a lack of a better or word, categorization leads to formal thinking, and breaks in formal thinking lead to creativity and imagination. I'm starting to formulate some kind of notion that formal thinking and categorization are only necessary to communicate ideas amongst a common ground, but in and of itself, isn't necessary when just trying to understand the salient, pure essence of something. A left brain by itself is a computer, a right brain by itself is a 6 year old on psychedelic compounds.
by dreams i didn't implicate anything that is genuinely biological, metaphysical, or philosophical, just imaginative, inspired, and colorful thoughts. actually i don't know what I meant, seeing how everything i've written so far is mostly abstract nonsense
Haha oh man that is a problem without a consensus i can't really formulate a response XD.
But i believe... i think i believe i get your idea, in which case i agree to some degree, if we look at it as creativity in relation to a more structured way of thinking, however i do think that you still need formal thinking to understand the essence of something since this is after all the part which excels in analysis, of course that would mean that it is not only necessary to communicate an idea but also to analyse new ideas, what the other half would do would be re-organizing them, shaping them into something different.
Of course this is all also just baseless, nonsense, if i remember last time i checked i saw a bunch of reports debunking left and right brain preferential use, and it makes sense, after all we need the whole thing to function properly.
ok good...because I was having trouble formulating responses too XD
man what's up with this pic ?
and does it have anything to do with Conal ?
oh god no he's back