Thanks for an inspiring post yourself! In a... philosophically melancholy mind-opening kind of way. :P
Music's the best part of the world, it's easy to dream to, to live to, to work to... only time when music doesn't fit in is when you're stuck on thoughts you'd rather not think, or why else would the music actually dissuade you from concentrating? It's probably the task at hand that should be forgotten in favor of sound, then = bliss. That sounds awesome though, I haven't had a dream I remember in a long time. Maybe if I go to sleep with my mind set on dreaming something memorable, I will... have to try that out.
Well I've had daydreams like that, but nothing I wasn't conscious about. Like, just taking a plane to some exotic country, starting some form of franchise, building up a private army, mastering all types of martial arts, becoming immortal, controlling the world from the shadows... fun times. :) Now I immerse myself more in media than in dream.
Yeah, it's easy to get stuck in a pattern. I guess you have to do something you've never done to break a rut... or that you don't do often... or maybe just something unexpected. One day I decided to throw my toothbrush down the stairs for this particular reason, it just felt like something that'd spark a change... but of course I threw a toothbrush because I'd rather not throw something that'd break, and thus it wasn't such an impulsive decision after all, and thus change did not occur. Aaanyway I'm great at giving advice for stuff like this... not so good at following it myself. :P
Yeah, I've noticed time's a lot quicker, and of course it's all perspective, but it's strange how that perspective can be so uncontrollably altered. No doubt it's because we with age learn to rethink certain things. Like right now as I'm typing this, I'm looking at the text that I'm typing, probably sunconciously evaluating if it makes sense, if the words are the logical order, etc... while ten years ago the path from thought > writing would've been much more direct, and I wouldn't even have noticed a difference. Wish these facets of thought were easier to control.
Reality is what you make it. But then again, maybe reality is just a dream? So a dream is a dream within a dream. Or, according to some, reality is the dream and dreams our reality. It's easy to dream away, but there's so much to be done in life! So much you can accomplish if you choose to! So many visions that are just waiting to be realized!
I read somewhere that the way you see the world is a reflection of how you see yourself, so if you're content with who you are and what you do you'll be a lot more content with the world. Makes sense... I'm working on finding the right mindset and jumping into the new year with new hopes.
Btw, your own picture?
thanks for the uplifting post CD :P
Reality is dictated by our most palpable moments, while physically awake. There's more that can be physically accomplished in reality, sure, but I just don't have the willpower and interest to do so. I've grown bored with life and its monotony. the "visions" that I have in my dreams are much more pleasant than real's kind of like music in a sense, you cannot physically describe it, but you know that good feeling you get when you hear the right sound that clicks in your head. Not sure what's happened over the past few months, but I've been having great, vivid dreams (none of which I can remember while awake) almost every time I fall asleep. I wake up, thinking that's awesome, and go back to sleep. And the dream continues. Even days later, I'm able to revisit and build upon dreams I've had in the past.
That may be true. Overall, I see the world as a very wondrous place. Not that I see myself as a wondrous person. I could self-improve in countless ways, but I'm grateful/content for what I am and what I'm not. I don't sulk as nearly much as I used to, and perhaps that has a downside- minimal creative energy and passion to go on about life. Everything I write nowadays feels like pseudointellectual jargon..Meh.
It's not hard to believe today's the last day of 2013. Time moves at an objective rate of 1 second per second, but what we experience is completely a matter of perspective...I've experienced dreams that play over the course of weeks, months even. When in reality I'm only asleep for six hours. As we grow older, we garner more patience. We get more accustomed to life; multiple tedious events actually become just "blocks" in our life, the way we observe time becomes less segmented and seemingly shorter. In essence, weeks become days. 365 days to a 6 year old is exponentially longer than it is to a 26 year old.
nope, not my picture.