Has character, but doesnt spark waterfall imagery
with me, entirely.
=The Good=
-The piano has lots of character, with its muffled EQ and cheap, detuned sound (sounds like it was recorded on a cell phone)
-The melodies are nice when it gets off the ground. Everything was constructed quite well, favorite part was at 2:20, that section has sweet chords
-Playing flows very well, respect. very beautiful.
-Lots of variation throughout
=The Bad=
-This isnt bad at all, I would just expect a more lush piano with lotsa reverb and a crisp sound to go along with a waterfall.I know its not your fault tho.
-I would personally scrap the intro because I dont think it does the piece any good. The general creepy vibes and dissonant notes just dont fit the song I think. Mainly 00:00-00:55ish.
-If you could transcribe this into a computer program, add strings and maybe a harp that would be great
-An actual waterfall sample might help the general imagery
-Hardware is always more important than software when recording, but perhaps a brighter EQ would go with the muffled sound
Ideas: 8.5/10 Diversity: 9/10 Clarity: 6.5/10 Overall: 8/10
I would give this a 9 if it was just for playing, but clarity is an important department and I think that aspect was generally detrimental to your track. Keep at it tho, I would love to hear more playing from you.