this is quite different...
=The Good=
-Good usage of synths, it sounds eerie which goes with the peculiar title "Sleeping Fridges"
-the wobbling bassysnth and volume LFOs are a nice FX
-Like the arpchip melodies
-The ending was really cool, I got kinda scared there haha
=The Bad=
-I can tell that you're fairly new to this by the preset usage. Dont be afraid to start experimenting with tweaking the synths and whatnot to give your own twist, or just using the mixer to add FX and make them more interesting
-Try researching better drum samples / layering the preset ones/using the EQ to bring out parts....the bass could definetly use more boom
-The track overall lacks changes for the length that it is, include some more subtle variations in the second half ot the song, i believe the song would pick up if you added a more constant drum rhythm and threw in a snare
-Trance has a constant 4 to the floor beat and lots of energy..this is more so techno :P
Ideas: 7/10 Diversity: 6/10 Clarity: 6/10 Overall: 6/10
I know these suggestions are pretty broad but keep experimenting and you will keep on improving. Keep up the good work, some nice original ideas here.