To infinity and beyond...
First time I've had to use two accounts to review, and the a good song to do it on :D
The harp glissando was an excellent transition choice leading into this section. the support structure in this section mirrors the military oriented themes in the 00:04-00:16 part with the staccatoed triplet chords on the strings, accompanied by a fitting military drum roll rhythm on the snares. I like how you built up the piece, the lower horn tones introducing a powerful melody, and then the higher, louder brass boldly expressing the melody with its intensive articulations.
I'm glad you brought the previous themes back in, so you don't stray to far just yet. Now as progressive is this track is, is it alright If I may ask for more variation with the melody right here? Fill in the open beats on the snare, maybe augment the percussion by bringing in the tambourines early, just keep the melodic ideas the same, but restructure some of the parts by adding on to the rhythm. But those chords that connect into the next phase move seamlessly.
Not much more to say about this part, it loses some intensity to move right into the next part without being too abrupt. I should also say I've liked the pounding timpanis all along, and the added in higher end percussion works quite well.
Sounds very magical, this is when the track starts to feel less "Star Trek" and more "1980s (or early 90s) Disney Classic". It was quite a big transition from the last parts, and it helps add some variety to the score as a whole. You never fail to continue to include GREAT melodic ideas, I love the rapid flow of the plucked bass and drifting woodwind melodies.
Sounds very disney like! Oustanding use of chromaticism to lead right into that giant, epic chord and powerful point! The glockenspiel melody works real nice undereath it too, it reminds me of a tiny creature at the top of a huge mountain or something....which goes into my next point
Haha, I love this short clarinet bit! It's very friendly and gentle in it's nature. The whole track could be a bunch of gigantic animals such as lions, rhinos, giraffes, and elephants dashing through a huge, open double door (with all the epic and widely orchestrated instruments), and this short solo section represents a mouse slowly crawling out after all the big animals have ran through. Hah, I like this part a lot.
Another beautiful harp arpeggio. I really like the soothing aspects in this part. Great job sequencing the bass strings and brass into the next part. This section reminds me of a sunny, green field with a beautiful flowing stream...
And then black clouds cover the sun, the sky darkens, the grass and flowers rot away, the clear stream of water is filled with dirt (and blood?). The chord movements in here suggest evil, and some form of conflict yet they resolve to quiet a content and triumphant state. Really liked this part! When from real light to dark.
And I really like this section to! Back from the dark and into the light. Probably my favorite section of the entire track. Very beautiful and soothing elements in here for sure. The hart plays extrememly graceful lots of dynamkics and emotion in here. Love the glock on the stressed beats, awesome harmony, the skipping rhythm on the bassline sounds excellent and joyful, and I absolutely love how the strings and horns cut in and out.
So...that's what I think of "Orion's Belt" ! It took me for an exciting ride, that's for sure haha! I really hope this gets used in a quality flash.
Excellent, the climax of the song, great job with building on the main themes- but including more energy. The timpanis and support structure seem to be brought out more to put a strong layer of emphasis, and I like the legato strings buildup in between. Very climatic, oustanding job with this area.
I will have to move on to reviewing with a third account LOL!