you were close
2.12 >_> looks like the zero voters were out five raised it only to a 2.63
Umm, the track was kinda generic, and not very well produced. 'tis okay.
The guitar chord progression at the start was pretty bland by itself, fit a bassline to play on the offbeats or in between the chords. The piano melody was okay, but there wasnt generally enough substance to carry the piece around. I would try to work a more complex rhythm theme or something in there, it just felt real lacking. Develop the piano more, if you use the playlist in FL develop one section at time in one pattern, or dedicate 3 or 4 patterns to an alteration of the melody.
the interlude with the bells and strings was pretty boring, as it lacked any of the elements described above and was devoid of interesting harmony. (dont copy and paste the melody into a seperate channel, instead, it would be more interesting if you developed some harmony) The section after that, you definetly had something going. I really liked the lead in the next section, and the layered pattern made the overall mix a bit more full.
Also, drum patterns, pretty much the same throughout, 'cept at the end. Definetly develop more drum patterns. it was basically kick, snare, kick snare...throughout. Why not kick kick snare every now and then. Something simple as a crash every 16 bars can break the repetition. And throw in some fills in between some transitions too, and it never to early to mess with dynamics/note velocities to get a more realistic drum texture.
as far as the sound quality goes, piano could definetly use some reverb and it would sound less cheap, pan some of the synths to get more of defined sound. that'll do for now. i also have heard these sytrus presets and FPC drums over and over again, everyone used them at once, but what i'm getting too is its never too early too start developing your own sounds or just tweaking the synths around a little to give it your own flair. if youre interested, look up "blackhole12 sytrus" tutorial or look up a 3xosc on the web.
sorry if this was too much advice if youre just screwin around for fun, i tend to relay too much information when not necessary. if you didnt understand anything of this feel free to send a shout my way. keep on FL'in it up.