Welcome back!
Welcome back Tim! as I said over MSN, this track has some deep, interesting textures paired with well sequenced drums and transitions, and adventurous and catchy melodies! Listening to it over once again, I do think I can give a few criticims on here, but you definetly do not sound rusty ;)
Definetly digging that soft, ambient pad you start with. The atmosphere to me almost calls for a bit of experimental percussion bits, maybe some glitchy rhythms, or even ethnic percussion, I think that'd really make for an interesting intro. ;) Otherwises, beats were pretty decent in the intro, synths were brought in at the right time, I love when that sick vanguard arp kicks in ;) Favorite synth that sounds awesome comes in around 1:05 (it starts reminding me of Vectorman hehe). Supersaw melodies were very nice, especially like the fast 16 note arppeggios. And it doesnt sound too bad in there too, and I usually hate supersaws.
Bass sounds a bit weak, I'd mess with giving it more resonance perhaps, maybe more distortion or even sidechain it to create a powerful combo with the kick.
I also dont really hear a snare in here, other than in transitions and the intro, and near the end :(, i'd definetly think the epicness of this track could be raisd with a fat dance snare sample, I think after the transitioning at 1:25 would be a great place to throw it in.
Another good point I'd have to note out is how you kind of blend in the melodies with two of the arps synths, to the point where they dont interfere with each other, yet mesh together quite smoothly. You're really good at transitioning your parts once again, with the drum patterns and well placed reversed crash samples, but I might say that there was perhaps a little bit too much transitions in this piece, just let the music flow ;)
That "twinkle" bell (gee, cant remember the proper name) was a very nice addition to, and that glassy synth that starts at 3:11 was sweet too, wish I could hear more of it. Maybe throw it in once again at the end.
So all in all, a solid track! Not really any detriments in here (other than the lack of snare), just some suggestions that I personally think would augment the overall production of this track :) Keep pumping em out!