
160 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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hey awesome track man. Love the lo-fi sounds I can see the red pixel car that looks like an ice cream cone chasing the green pixel car which looks like a tree. Man the melody works, the minimalistic style works, this has so much potential but it just needs a bit more. I'd add a square in there to play an intensive riff and maybe change up the drums patterns a bit more. I liked the phased bits in the beginning, the 808 drums are alright but I would personally prefer a bitcrushed kick and maybe some filtered noise for the hats and snare. Are you going for oldschool, 8bit, or both? anyways, its a great idea, I just think it needs more. i like music like this :)

SIDchip responds:

Thanks S3C,

I can tell you have the natural skills for this kind of thing. Thanks for the excellent suggestions. Classic descriptions of the car and tree! lol

8bit or oldskool? hmmmm, the eternal burning question.

Cheers for listening,



that opening texture was sick, lots of rumbling sub. Swelling was nice and it definetly has a nice dark feel. But for being 5+ minutes, its goes nowhere at all. The strings dont do the track justice. Theyre just a normal generic texture just playing one long note....

so youve got a nice bass texture filled out buts that really it. needs more for sure. Add some melodic stuff, maybe some detuned piano keys, some higher register background FX, throw them in some reverb and pan them. Continue with the strings, but build chords from them, something dissonant would suit the atomosphere. some subtle experimental percussion might work nice. But for 5 minutes, you definetly need to build upon what you got here.

Formalz responds:

Thanks Look at my other ones. Theres something you'll like. :)


never expected to write this much...

anyway, put the chorus FX before the reverb on the FX chain-just experiment with it and see if you like it better. I almost want to say apply a mid and treble boost on the piano but the slightly muffled tone of the keys really serves the imagery in here quite well.

now on to the vision i get...

a father is returning to his quaint home in the countryside, away from the city....he knocks on the door, and see's his (ex) wife in her humble, dirty clothes, with two young children holding on tightly to her dress while staring at their father with large, innocent eyes....the father tries to apologize to his wife but she just scorns at him and says he will never be forgiven. next he tries talking and apologizing to his children but they do not utter a word, the father with a heart filled with blackness starts to cry as the mother shuts the door on his face. The remain portion of the piece shows the father crying on the porch while the young boy stares at him one last time through a window, and the mother comes over with a scornful look and closes the blinds. The greed driven past of the father can never be forgiven. But really what I invision here is two young eyes staring at me, that are so haunting. Haunting, yet so innocent and friendly.

Take care.

BlazingDragon responds:

*See below response*

hey dude

its me again lol. another nice song here.

I think you did a decent job with the drums. The beat was nothing amazing, but the song calls for a simple, laidback beat, which you arranged quite effectively. I didn't think the clap was a very fitting sample for the style and a snare (which you did indeed use in the second half) would be more suitable IMO. Also, when you picked up the pace of the hi-hats and made the beat seem more rushed, I didn't think it was really needed for the song, unless you were going to pick up the energy on the instruments and drastically change the course of the track. Oh, and good windchime percussion to in transitions. It's a good choice to take the crash cymbal's role.

The orchestration was carried out marvelously and sad emotions were well generated, I think it fits perfect with the title. I'm really digging the piano melodies once again, you really good with sequencing your chord progessions. Strings were well layered, and flow well in the background. Flute and the electric piano sounding instrument really help add to the mood too, and when the flute harmonizes it sounds kinda of relieving, as if someone has reached heaven. It also loops flawlessly, as I mistook the intro for the ending.

hey, ditch the FL keys. I can name three free piano sounds that will sound better off the top of my head, DSK Acoustic Keyz, 4Front Piano Module, Steinway soundfont, there's even some realistic sounding piano samples that you can load into Goldwave on blackhole12's blog (www.blackhoie12.newgrounds)

so good job here once again! the mixing could be done a tad better (mess with some panning, variating reverb levels and EQ-which I wish I could give more specific suggestions but I'm no good at this stuff) but overall this was a great piece.

BlazingDragon responds:

Thanks so much for the extensive review and all the advice! The piano sounds you listed especially help, because I just reformatted my computer and lost pretty much all my soundfonts. That's why I had to use the FL Keys and default kick, snare, hi-hat and clap.

As you and a previous reviewer stated, I agree that the faster hi-hat part just doesn't fit. I will keep that in mind for my next work. I'm glad to know that it looped well, as I spent a lot of time trying to think how I could execute that. (I had to ditch some percussion, include the flute note and strings at the beginning, and some other stuff to make it work) I'm glad someone recognizes the work I put in to make that happen. :P

As far as mixing, I am just starting to learn how. I only have the FL Studio 8 demo, and have to make each song in one sitting (A huge pain) because I can't save projects. I just read about how to automate different aspects of a song yesterday, though, so you should hear a little more panning and such in any of my new songs from here onward. I'm a newb when it comes to EQ and mixing, though.

Thanks again for the awesome review! I seriously appreciate it. :D

My response to R-Ill

He makes some good points, so I will lay out a similar structured review to his. And be honest too ;)

1) I thought the drums were pretty good, good snare and kicks movement. I like the ranging pitches in the hi hats. The only part were they sounded iffy was towards the middle, were there was a lack of an interesting rhythm. Maybe keep a reverbed snap somewhere in the background to flow along with the beat. The kicks transition was pretty sloppy, make sure you are quantitizing. But otherwise I feel there was nothing wrong in this department.

2) I didn't find the the strings to be cheap at all...in fact, they don't sound uber fresh, but they are very fitting for this hip hop style. They did sound a bit weak though, and you could make them stronger by making a chord out of them, especially in the lower ranges.

3) Main melody was decent (even though there wasnt really a central theme) , but nothing extreme. It would be easy to flow with.

4) The piano was okay, I didn't think it was amazing. The melody was pretty simple, but fitting. I like the harmonization with the bells, that was pretty cool.

5) Well I wouldnt favorite this, but I've listened to it three-four times already and it hasnt tired out my ears.

6) bass might be able to do with a tad of compression, but I wouldnt be able to point that out myself. I hear no clipping or distortion, but of course there is other uses for compression. What I will say though is that the bassline was pretty boring, and needs more of an interesting rhythmical structure to make the bassline more catchy. Instead of just laying down a note at the start of the bar, try doing a 16th-16th rest-16th before each hit, split a note into two-if you dont know what I'm talking about I can show you on MSN.

7) A bit of panning and more mixing could be done I'm sure to make it sound more professional, but I'm no one qualified to give true advice in this department as I suck at the enginnering aspects of music. I will say though, its good enough done for my tastes and there's no unwanted noise or crackling from what my sound system recievies, and all the instruments are satisfactory defined, so dont sweat it.

8) The only thing that possibly could do with a touch more of reverb is possibly the strings. (synths? I don't hear any in here, except the one at the end) However, from what I know hip hop isnt a genre that necessarily needs all its instruments drowned in reverb, unlike say ambient.

9) people are giving you good scores because, you well, make good music and are courteous enough to leave reviews. It has nothing to do with your voting power I'm sure (and besides, its really not even that high compared to other people!). much people have been supporting you since day 1, when your voting power was low. Besides, you always hand out 5s anyway regardless of your review score, so that wouldnt even make a difference :P Now THATS the truth.

10. Oh, I also love that cool swelling synth you use in the end, it adds a real nice spice to the track.

So yeah man, great job for a first attempt. Better than my first attempt at hip hop for sure! I'm sure it could use some polishing but its good taffy in its current state.

wyldfyre1 responds:

now THIS Is a looong constructive review hahah.Thanks!


It's really amazing how such a small piece of music can pack so much emotion. I must have listened to this 20 times or so already and I haven't yet gotten tired of it. Some beautiful playing with nice dynamic control, I feel an overall sense of relief with an underlying tone of sadness. Can't reallly put in words, but you really constructed the chords well to generate some emotion. I also like the bassline and rhodes in the second half, and the addition of the subtle strings really helps to highlight the moods.

For advice, well I think many directions can be built from this little excerpt you have here. Maybe rest your right hand for a while, let the left hand arpeggios roll by for a few bars solo, and then bring a new lead melody on a different instrument like a soothing woodwind such as an oboe. Then you can use the higher registers on the piano to play chords every four bars or something. I would certainly make the strings more apparent and louder, and possibly thicken them up by spreading out the voices and building sustained chords to work as the background layer. Some ambience such as rainfall may help with the scenery, if that's what your going for. Maybe even a slow beat on some drums like hand or ethnic percussion would sound good in here, but it could possibly ruin the mood that you established in the beginning. Just a few suggestions, depends on where you want to go with this. I do believe this has the potential to be a very powerful piece, so keep up the good work and keep me posted if you release a new one! Thanks for sharing with us.

BlazingDragon responds:

This piece holds a lot of sentimental value for me, so I really appreciate the thorough review and advice! I like a lot of your ideas, and especially agree about the strings. I think I will bring in some deep strings with open chord voicings and run a woodwind through some FX on the computer for a melody. (Like lots of reverb and such :P) I've also thought about some ethnic percussion like an Indian hand drum, but I do think it may destroy the mood if executed poorly.

Thanks again for the advice and review. I'll keep you posted on any new developments with this song. :D

MUCH better

this sounds way better than your last version. The composition alone in your first version was just another trance song to me, and even though the basis stays the same in the track (from what I can remember, did you add in a part or two?), its interesting to show how much a difference tweaking the sounds and mixing it up with more spice can improve your track. In retrospect, if a listener was to hear your preset song and this one in comparison they would see how crappy (or basic) you make those stock samples and synths sound ;)

I like the intro with the visual FX and manipulation of sounds. Piano melody is pretty catchy, fits in the trance genre like a glove. Kick is nice and punching, good use of automation/reverse effects throughout. Saw leads and backing sounds were designed and mixed adequately. I like the beat in the interlude. really like that synth too around 2:02.

I guess my only qualm is the track lacks a climax. It keeps building up, and then going down into a lull. Something as simple as adding hi-hats and maybe harmonizing with the main melodical theme may help you achieve that anticipated section. ending was a bit abrupt too, but i'm sure you know that. Right now, it sounds mostly like one long extended intro, which isnt entirely bad if this is just in its demo stages.

keep up the good work, a real nice professional song in here

DjZombAid responds:

Well i have now deleted the original song =]. Yer i did add and modify parts. True true.. that's why i decided to delete it =P.

Thanks, it's the first time i've used that many at one time. My best piano melody by fair i believe. Yeah the kick i actually modified it a lot more then i usually do in my other songs.. i guess it payed off =]. I'm actually quite a big fan of the reverse clap, don't ask me why lol. Thankyou [=.

Well 1:35 onwards was meant to be the climax but i guess it wasn't obvious enough? Yes i'm planning on fixing the ending and climax and extending the song at some point in the future.

Thankyou =].


Also i appreciate your long reviews.

Hell yea son

Amazing track Karco. This was all made usingNexus? I might have to purchase it.

Ima try a chronological review for the first time:


Not a bad start. I thought the bass was weak, but the drums and sort of lowered quality and basic sounds are great in the intro

Samples sound nice too, I like your snare/clap/hybrid thingy


Cool catchy melody, I like how it has a playful feel, good for an upbeat type of game. The buildup was nice, but pretty standard. Might be nice if you retriggered the kick or threw some more samples around but really I can't say much


Did you change the bass in here? because it meshes real well now,good progressive build throughout and it really flows along smoothly. The fade in snare roll to the next section was well executed

Arpchips are real cool too, I think it would sound nice if you put a delay effect on it in the second half (but maybe that would muddle up the mix idk) and maybe a noticeable panning LFO during the end would be cool to mess with too, :P


I LOVE that pad. Its got a nice, deep dreamy texture to it. Did you automate the treble in the transition? These are always my favorite parts to tracks like this when the ambience gets to come in and just let you relax for a moment.


Everything sounds so good layered good together, lots of emotions flowing and it would work quite well at a dance club. That new melody is also very catchy too


Ahh, you brought back the same melody from the intro. It's an interesting transition from the last more deeper melody that played previously. Interesiting!

I've also noticed that you're very good at placing your crashes :D

3:12 - FIN.

Good ending, flows quite well with the intro. since its for a game, why not make it loop?

Good clarity, good composition. I'm more of a classical and miscellaneous type of a guy, but I've just realized that making stuff like this is quite difficult because you have to be significantly good at arranging stuff which I've never been too good at. so respect.

Awesome track Karco :D

Karco responds:

It WAS all Nexus... it's definitely worth it. ;) I also used a synth or two out of the Dance Vol. 1 and Store N' Forward expansions for this song, namely, the bass and lead.

I'll try a chronologic response. :D

0:00 - 0:11 - The lowered quality/basic sounds were the aim of that section. ;) There was also a highpass filter on the bass, which explains why you thought the bass changed later on.

0:11 - 0:23 - Not too much to say here, glad you like that little melody though. :P

0:23 - 1:11 - Yep, removed the highpass, which made it a whole bunch bassier. :D And, eh, a delay wouldn't work too well - it definitely would have muddied up the mix. ;D A panning LFO could have happened, though... I don't usually pan stuff around but I can imagine that.

1:12 - 1:35 - That pad's nothing but your average sawpad. XD I didn't automate the treble, I used a lowpass filter, and gradually removed it in the second half of that insanely short breakdown. :P

1:36 - 2:23 - Glad you like the melody, it's just a standard one to me, I put it together pretty quickly. XD Personally I prefer the harmony around it - the bassline, the arp/pad playing chords, etc., as a lot more effort went there. As for everything sounding good? I blame Maximus, which I experimented with a bit in this song. :D

2:24 - 3:12 - The melody from before definitely sounds different considering it's in different musical context. ;) And yeah, the crashes were one of the better features in this song. :D

3:12 - FIN - That was the point of that ending - I can loop it back to the start if need be. ;D

Yep, they're about equally difficult, it's all about knowing what to choose and when, and how to use it. It's not necessarily difficult to make a trance song... it IS difficult to make a good one, though. :P

Thanks for the long review, glad you liked it! :D


good choice of piano progressions and interesting old school err..doesnt sound too much like hip hop from what I know, but it was still a nice backing track.

some decent rock licks in here. Glad you included some bending to really bring the sound of the guitar out. Also, some more hammerons/pullofs would be wise to utilize in this guitar soloing as well. I would also extend the scale to more lower note to add more diversity to your soloing.

your overall guitar tone sounds a bit weak. I'd put some reverb and a slight delay effect on it. or maybe you need a sharper or EQ or a different pickup setting, because I cant hear your articulations to well. I would keep the instruments playing throughout, because when its by itself it doesnt sound too nice (and there's a noticeable offkey harmonic sound when you bend too)

7/10 because the drums and piano are premade loops ;) keep jamming dude

Jesus-Owns-X responds:

Yeah i understand thank for the review.

Age 49, Dude


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