Woah, another very nice darkstepping track here bro.
Breaks were nice once again, interesting resampled rhythms, nice and powerful (maybe a bit too much compressing/exciting, atleast it feels so in the intro, but sifts in once you listen to the track a couple times), though I like your samples from the last track a bit more, they just felt a bit crispier. What I do really enjoy is the creative layering in this track, it almost feels like you have two different kick and snare drums at once, and while you have the regular amen breakish like rhythms, you have another drumbeat going on inside creating a cool synergy. They flow especially well and dont get distracting despite how much is going on. Good work in the drums department once again.
Ambient FX are very nice. Like the droplet sounding synths, pads rock, progressions are creepy once again and sit well nice in the background.
Now heres where you get a point deducted...The distorted bass. While the line is nice, it needs more variation IMO, and while you might not being going exactly for the reese type of dealy, I think the sound itself is too basic (i've got problems with this too fo sho!), and could use a series of more interesting effects and modulations. Overall, it feels a bit full, so mess with filtering and maybe some EQ cuts some more. I'd definetly automate the cutoff frequencies and other controls that effect the texture to definetly give it a nice sound that adds a lot of interesting detail to the middle of the piece.
(Thats my only beef)
The transition was killer. Love that swelling effect that goes into the next section, good usage of filters and the mood change was executed nicely. The pad is lush and deep (I hear sytrus default strings + something else? I like the warm reverb). The little square blip synth was a nice addition to carry this section, and the screaming vocal transition back into the drums RULED!
I like the way you structured the song into the end, it does the job, I just think the bass needs more complexity :)
all in all, another kickass song. Keep up the awesome work man!