its been too long man
its been too long man. i havent been on your page in quite a while, and I came back at the right time. This is a fantastic piece. Good choice of words in the description, uplifting and etheral is spot on with what I would have included in this writeup, had I not seen the description.
I really like the lush, warm pads incoporated in here. Great job with the volume envelopes, and they have a beautiful progression that flows through the piece quite nicely I must say. The melodies are wonderful too, good job with counterpoint- movement is quite complex to compliment the intracies of percussive lines and sound FX that are integral to the IDM genre. Must say the development in this piece was superb, really like your choice of synths and the bitcrushed percussion, and how the piece gradually builds itself up in the beginning with the melodic themes, and then furthermore with the ostinato drum part.
Few personal crits:
-IMO, less bitcrushing in here. I'd favor something more sine wavey and smooth for the lead melodies, or gradually remove the effect. I think a more chorusy sound in the leads at one point would work great with the pads.
-the "click" at 00:55ish IMO should reverberate throughout the track.
-i'd subtlely incorporate more glitchy patterns like tapestopping and retriggering in the drum patterns every 16 bars or so ;)
anyways, really good job with this man. Liked the sounds, and the composition with the melodies was swell as well. Download + Fave.
Also, finally played Ratchet Clank: Gladiator/Deadlocked that we talked about before in the past. I must say, I was disappointed by the game. Not enough gadget usage from what I remember from the first game, levels and missions didn't have enough variety, and the platformer aspects were practically stripped :'( It did have a sweet OST though ;)