pretty dang cool song here! I agree with the Neo vs Smith comment below. The strings are quite Don-Davis esque, especially in the latter portion of the piece.
The horns and choir are a nice touch, the lines are a little generic sounding, but fit the piece well. On the darker side, with a tinge of foreboding. The electronic bits in the introduction really augment the song well and set up the symphonic parts nicely.
The synths add a nice contrast, both texture wise and rhythmically, and have a nice cohesion with the percussion, but they seem to cloud up the lower register a bit. Another instrument could double the small piano motif to bring out that part more. With that in mind, a bass drum hit mixed in with the tom fills during the part with the piano would work well too, I think.
The piece is very dynamic, and realistic sounding. The track builds up and loops perfectly! Great work.