
Age 49, Dude


NG Motivational Speaker

Joined on 3/25/08

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S3C's News

Posted by S3C - August 12th, 2009

JUST PUT A SHOTGUN IN OUR MOUTH AND PULL THE TRIGGER your just one pafetic little gay guy.
did daddy abused you when you were 5? is that the reason of this crap??

The headlamp of an oncoming train

Posted by S3C - June 11th, 2009

1. VG remixers and otherwise, even those that stoop to midi-ripping-preset-render-upload levels are more "ethical" on their approach to publishing their tracks. Atleast they give credit to the source of their music; where they found the melodies, riffs, rhythms, etc. while "original" artists are implementing melodies into their tracks, without even giving credit to whomever they subconsciously stole from. In fact, all music producers after 1944 are just part of one giant cluster fuck of intellectual plagiarists.

2. House producers are not musicians, they are carpenters. I don't know why anyone would think otherwise?

3. Ever wondered why Asian people are so smart? Their small, almost closed eyes oddly enough gives them an advantage to see tiny minute details and analyze life much better than any other race. It's not in the soy sauce.

4. After catching up on Nickelodeon "Drake and Josh" marathons, recognizing Drake from somewhere- I realized that Drake Bell is in fact Cory Macniven (aka Quarl).

Four epihanies I just had

Posted by S3C - April 24th, 2009

Following the current trend of the APers making blog posts including vids of their favorite music, I decided to make my own list. Enjoy! LOTS OF VIDEOS AHEAD

God of War 2: The Bathouse by Mike Reagan

God of War is probably my second or third favorite videogame OST of all time, and the GoW series pretty much got me interested in orchestral "contemporary classical" music alltogether. Some truly badass, epic themes in both games, and I couldn't decide whether to link to this song, or "Isle of Creation" by Cris Velasco. i decided to choose this one because it really sets itself apart from all the other pieces, with its laidback atmosphere and excellent selection of exotic instruments.

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Autechre by Krib

Aww man, I pretty much fell in love when I heard this song in Ontario back in December. it's pretty simple, but there's something really charming about the synths and the creative percussion.

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Human Nature by Justin Durban(Edgen)

Perhaps the most peaceful song of all time? starts of with a very simple melody, and the flower blooms into a complex beauty. I really think Durban does an exceptional job of demonstrating both the extremes of sorrow and joy in life through this piece.

(this is the only youtube vid I could find, not the full song- he used to have it streaming on his site www.edgen.com, and the download is located here if you're interested ).

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Gone by M83

Very driving song....and is TRU EMO. Is similar to Rig's http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /111675. Takes a while to buildup, but once it does, the climax is like a teenager's (with hormones growing like a raging fire) after not fapping for an entire two weeks. The slideshow is also superb.

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Die to Live by Steve Vai

Out of all the DIVINE ELITE SHREDDER guitarists, Steve Vai is my favorite, I think he's the most creative with what he does, and is the least of the wanker out of the bunch. Unfortunately, I couldnt find a good vid of my favorite song by him Bangkok/Fire Garden Suite but Die to Live will definetly be suffice. Man, it was so frustrating when he didnt tour with G3 in 2007 >:(

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Level Five by King Crimson

Fucking excellent dissonant riffs in this song! Great bass tone, and theres even a bit of manipulated drums in here. The solo at 5:13 is like no other, it sounds like two dying animals trying to have sex. IMO here this is obviously a good thing.

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Rooster by Alice in Chains

This song has some of my favorite guitar tones. Great riffs, and enjoyable content matter. The music video is somewhere on youtube I believe.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/5gHiR1 xeOSs&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/5gHiR1xe OSs&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Intension by Tool

I first disliked the CD 10,000 days when it came out, it was very experimental, and didnt have a lot of the heavier, more traditional riffs and styles in their past tracks. I was disappointed by it back in 06 but now that my musical tastes have expanded I can fully enjoy it. There's still some aspects in here that I dislike, such as the wide pitch bending on the bass, but I love the hand percussion and even the IDM drums that come in around 4:45. Overall, a very trippy song.

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Spyro 3: Sheila's Arp by Steve Copeland

I recently played through Spyro 1-3 for mainly the music and nostalagia factor. I must say, even though it may sound cheesy now I think the Spyro series has some of the most underrated tracks for the PS1. I like how this track conveys some Australian musical ideas while putting together some atmosphere bits to produce an overall airy mood, to fit the theme of the level (apparently, the character is Australian but lives in Scottish place high up in the mountains lol).

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There was a few more I wanted to share, but I grow bored of this. Also, I've noticed the fad of posting old, overused 4chan pictures. well here's a fairly new, not-used 4chan picture based on the popular "Advice Dog" meme.

Everyone's doing it...

Posted by S3C - April 22nd, 2009

I cook food for a living. Lots of different food. I bake cakes, I grill steaks, and pour milk in your bowl of corn flakes. But today I heard a comment left on my friend Emeril's dish into The link is somewhere on Google, if you are interested. But anyways, some idiot made a retarded comment on Emeril's Fricassee Chicken Dish...AND I QUOTE!!!

"this is amazing man i mean even Subway couldn't produce this"

Has it really come to this? Like seriously, are all meals, especially chicken based, being deemed as "Subway worthy?" Is that the new criteria for what makes something good or not? Whether it is like some Subway meal?

Because if so, I'm done. I'm done forever with food in every fashion. Not just as a chef, but as a cooker/server, and as an eater (hello anorexia!). Because the simple notion that Subway based off of a bunch of half-decent chicken and steak sandwiches is the new culinary standard bothers me.

What really gets me is the fact that now people are running around pretending they know everything about chicken and steak. Quiznos is now a household name for hipster fags and little thirteen year olds. I won't take anything away from Quiznos, they are talented at making sandwhices. And I like a few of their combos. But why is it people laughed at me 4 years ago when I said I liked this restaurant, and now they are the "new industry standard" for chicken.

Oh and I swear if I hear one more time that Rachel Ray or Martha Stewart is better than Emeril Lagasse or Alton Brown, because they are on Oprah, I'm gonna start raping fatass McDonald kids left and right. And I don't mean the good kind of rape(not that any rape is good, of course) I mean the kind of rape where even Kobe Bryant is asking himself ,"You're not white?!" *Did I just accidentally, and indirectly suggest that there is a GOOD form of rape in this paragraph?!* Why yes, I, or you, did indeed.

And since when has it been "fashionable" to where restaraunt t-shirts. I'm so sick of seeing kiddies running around in Joe's CrabShack t-shirts, and when you ask them about the restaurant they can't even name one dish by the place.

I miss the days when chicken and steak were not fashionable. I miss the days when we judged music(food) based on how it actually tasted, and how healthy it was, not whether it was the latest Five Dollar footlong sub or not. To be honest, I miss being able to take people seriously when discussing food with them, especially steak and chickenl.

On a related note, go eat the meals of my favorite professional chefs...

Emeril Lagasse
Alton Brown
Hisao Odachi
Paula Deen
Bobby Flay

Yea, I can list countless reasons why these chefs are better than your favorite chefs. But if you can't figure out why just by just eating yourself, then it isn't worth my time trying to explain it. You are just not as evolved in my culinary tastes as I am, what a shame.

Last but not least, BAM!

I'm a pissed off chef

Posted by S3C - April 1st, 2009



Posted by S3C - March 16th, 2009

Why the double standard on this site?

-Flash artists are allowed to use unoriginal and ripped video game samples. Copyrighted sprites, icons, backgrounds, and music can be utilized in their flashes; I'm 99% positive they do not ask the companies for permission, and they generate money from (possibly through ad-revenue, sponsorships, and NG prize money) their submissions while audio artists are NOT allowed to use samples (from copyrighted movie clips, for example), despite the conditions of how they use the sample (splicing and what not), and in most people's cases, are NOT making money through their music.

To repeat the matter at hand in more eloquent matter here is a post by InGenius:

"To broaden what LJCoffee already said about Fair Use, that can only be used in terms of non-commercial, promotional, or non-profit usages, or when you are using mangled/glitched/chopped (ie., not looped) pieces of another artist's composition. Ie., using the drums from the Amen break for a drumkit MAY be Fair Use regardless of profit/non-profit end result, BUT using the loop itself is never Fair Use. Likewise, under a CC license, you are absolutely correct in the breakdown of the possible suits and countersuits, fines, etc. So it's generally not a good idea.............Except:

Many of the users of NG's audio portal don't particularly like the unfair use of Copywritten audio in Flash here at NG. There are SO many popular (and revenue/profit making) flashes with copywritten music in them, it strikes myself and others as odd that the AP is restricted to a CC license but Flash is not. The entire reason the AP was started was to provide Flash artists with music for their Flash, yet so many Front Page, Top 5, Weekly, etc. Flashes, and the vast majority of ad revenue (I hate MochiAds, btw) producing Flashes have copywritten (thus, illegal) music in them. Why the double standard? So I can see why many of the AP's artists blatantly ignore the CC rules for sampling, especially considering the fact that there are alot of us who have had our music used in a flash that made ad revenue, but we were not even given a Thank You many times, let alone an offer to share in the revenue. Share and share alike, indeed. There's an entire thread devoted to that happenstance with an artist, in fact."

Can anyone here give a legal justification as why Flash artists are allowed to bend the rules and audio artists are not?

Posted by S3C - March 6th, 2009

Fuck you

pay me

Want to hear a joke?

Posted by S3C - January 27th, 2009

Whilst knowing magic can open new worlds it also destroys the magic from an ignorant but blissful perspective...


Addages of S3C #17

Posted by S3C - December 20th, 2008

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Have a wondeful holiday guys

Posted by S3C - November 23rd, 2008

Just for fun, I tried to think off all the unusual facts about myself. I was suprised (and slightly proud and ashamed) that I could find this many.

1. I have a syndrome where I can only pleasure myself in prone position, called "Tramautic Masturbatory Syndrome". I have never used my hands in the entire 8-9 years I've been pleasuring myself.
2. I can't eat mashed potatoes without throwing up. The texture makes me vomit.
3. I have more music in my reptoire that doesnt feature a guitar, than does.
4. my mom, aunt, and uncle, all share the same birthday.
5. I'm 20, never had any intimate relations with a girl, or had any "true" friends since my years at elementary school.
6. I'm extremely good at findings things on the internet
7. I play three instruments, and use my computer to write music for any style, however, I am mediocre at all of them. I'm quite proud of my versatility, but I hate even more my mediocrity, and not sticking to one or two styles and excelling in them.
8. I can remember random basketball stats that date back from the early 90s.
9. I have extrememly skinny fingers, NO ONE, literally no one, I have met that is my age for the past six years or so, has skinnier fingers than me.
10. Despite trying with doctors and psychologists, I can't swallow pills. I've had to order special medications in liquid form for my acne and depression medications.
11. I really don't have any idea what race I am.
12. I will likely have to get a corneria transplant eventually.
13. I havent spent a dime out of the paychecks I've recieved in the job that I've worked at for 1.5 years.
14. I'm obssessed with apples. (Honeycrisp and granny smith FTMFW!)
15. I have a foot fetish (not that unusual...)
16. During 2007-2008, I had a serious problem with anxiety. I literally believed I had almost any type of cancer that you could get, and partially due to these problems, I had to drop out of school because I couldnt concentrate. I wrote about it a little bit about it ?here.
17. I still play with stuffed animals sometimes.
18. I used to be quite superstitious, before my favorite basketball team would play (Suns), i'd play four games of NBA Jam, one with the Orlando Magic, one with the New York Knicks, one with the Minnesota Timberwolves, and one with the Miami Heat, and tune my guitar to CGEABE (a Hawaiin tuning, if I'm not mistaken). When I did this, the Suns won most (if not all) of their games (including the monumental comeback against the Lakers in the 2006 playoffs). my genesis adapter died a couple years ago, so I can't really do it anymore...
19. I hum classical sounding music in my sleep.
20. I used to hack cheat codes for the PS2 (fun times!)
21. I cringe anytime I hear someone say "open minded".
22. I spend a lot of my parents money on foreign anime and action figures. JUST KIDDING LOL!
23. This one no one believes. Probably its physically impossible. But, I remember the day I was born. The way its structured in my mind, and its blurriness, and accuracy according to what my mother says happened on my birthday makes it to real to be just a memory or dream that was formed later on in my life. No one believes, but I'm 100% certain its true.

I'll add more later. Anyone else want to share