Why the double standard on this site?
-Flash artists are allowed to use unoriginal and ripped video game samples. Copyrighted sprites, icons, backgrounds, and music can be utilized in their flashes; I'm 99% positive they do not ask the companies for permission, and they generate money from (possibly through ad-revenue, sponsorships, and NG prize money) their submissions while audio artists are NOT allowed to use samples (from copyrighted movie clips, for example), despite the conditions of how they use the sample (splicing and what not), and in most people's cases, are NOT making money through their music.
To repeat the matter at hand in more eloquent matter here is a post by InGenius:
"To broaden what LJCoffee already said about Fair Use, that can only be used in terms of non-commercial, promotional, or non-profit usages, or when you are using mangled/glitched/chopped (ie., not looped) pieces of another artist's composition. Ie., using the drums from the Amen break for a drumkit MAY be Fair Use regardless of profit/non-profit end result, BUT using the loop itself is never Fair Use. Likewise, under a CC license, you are absolutely correct in the breakdown of the possible suits and countersuits, fines, etc. So it's generally not a good idea.............Except:
Many of the users of NG's audio portal don't particularly like the unfair use of Copywritten audio in Flash here at NG. There are SO many popular (and revenue/profit making) flashes with copywritten music in them, it strikes myself and others as odd that the AP is restricted to a CC license but Flash is not. The entire reason the AP was started was to provide Flash artists with music for their Flash, yet so many Front Page, Top 5, Weekly, etc. Flashes, and the vast majority of ad revenue (I hate MochiAds, btw) producing Flashes have copywritten (thus, illegal) music in them. Why the double standard? So I can see why many of the AP's artists blatantly ignore the CC rules for sampling, especially considering the fact that there are alot of us who have had our music used in a flash that made ad revenue, but we were not even given a Thank You many times, let alone an offer to share in the revenue. Share and share alike, indeed. There's an entire thread devoted to that happenstance with an artist, in fact."
Can anyone here give a legal justification as why Flash artists are allowed to bend the rules and audio artists are not?
well even if you don't respond.
In my opinion the AP rules are BS. Like you said, most of the artists on newgrounds ignore the AP rules and they really don't give a shit if their stuff has been chopped and screwed from other songs or even stolen.
Look at the bigger industries not newgrounds. For example, kanye west's unoriginal faggot ass. All he did was use the instrumental version of "Young Folks" and ruined the song by saying gay shit. [original, way better]
Kanye West - Young Folks
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgfb6cXxIaw">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgfb6c XxIaw</a>
Peter, Bjorn & John - Young Folks
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51V1VMkuyx0&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51V1VM kuyx0&feature=related</a>
Well I don't need to worry about that, I try making most of my sounds from scratch even if half of the time my music turns out shitty. [-_-]'
S3C (Updated )
oh, sorry for not responding <3 i just intend my blog posts as a forum rather than a direct response to me, thus why I dont reply to every comment. although its rather hypocritical of me because I encourage ppl to respond to their comments because if someone takes the time to stop by your page, you should have the courtesy to hit them back...I do reply to all reviews though!
It's not as much as I disagree with AP submission rules its just that the rules are not applied justly to all content submitted on the site...
anyway, keep up the GOOD music