Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
haha, i get it. "the" filters to "".
Sad S3C
April Fools S3C.
i fucking hate april fools
Newgrounds went gay for a day.
much better than last years atleast lmao
SolusLunes :-O
What about him?
What about him?
I love my whoe. lol...XD
i love you my whoe. lol XD
miss typed the previous comment -_-
I think you mean ho, whoe is not a word to my knowledge, and a hoe is a type of garden tool.
haha, you know to much, you win though.
Indeed. Why do you keep on changing and deleting stuff from your profile? XD
i was just thinking, lmfao.
that you'd probably one of those girls with a crazy look on your face when you go into a store and buy something, hahaha.
hey i know who you are, youre that one guy that made the flash about moneybags lmao
lol. bucktooth nerd picture.
well not that it really matters.
but i was just organizing the favorite audio submission section.
I was putting up favorite submissions that had meaning to me.
and i was trying to put something presentable on my image section so that i can slowly leave newgrounds in peace, but i might end up making a new image.
i'm also trying to come up with a better blurb.
I might make one more audio submission before i stop contributing to this site.
i'm kind of sad at the moment because i bought a SDHC memory card for my dsi and it worked for storing images in the dsi. however, when i tried putting it in the pc sd slot nothing would appear in the SDHC section it was just blank.
so i got frustrated and i starting cleaning my pc by removing folders and stuff and i might of removed a important folder and...when i restarted the pc it didn't load up and then it switched into a black screen and it didn't go anywhere from that point. so i had to use the system recovery and i was forced to delete all of my files that were important to me.
such as, my fruity loop studio files, my pictures of my little brother of when he was in his early months, a bunch of videos, all of my downloaded audio, and my custom made images.
i probably won't end up editing titanium bullet anymore, but i can still make new songs. It's just to bad i won't be able to recover my pictures of my brother and my mothers patients. *sigh* oh well.
aww that sucks :'(
well, when hardware doesnt work on your PC dont resort to deleting files ;)
you could always look into recovery software to retrieve your deleted, its worth a shot
Why are you planning on leaving NG? It is honorable that you dont whine about a "problem" with the site, like most
Oh lol. Mitrox knows me lol. Haha. I knew her back when she had her last account, Viewtiful-Masta lol. Just thought I'd read this for the hell of it, anyway.. got bored. Oh um.. Mitrox if you're reading this, and if you are reading, S3C, would you mind giving me some advice on my latest song? I just feel so stuck on it, it's killin' me =/ Well.. peace. Have a nice day.
sure i'll check it out
check out my new track as well please :D
that guys a douch