simple, yet elegant. This art isn't pretentious, and viscerally- conveys exactly what it needs to. a basic, juicy, rosy-red apple, reminiscent of red heart beating to the tempo of life, and nothing more. But what lies at the apples core? (Other than seeds containing trace amounts of cyanide) To me, the white background represents purity; a world without sin and complexity. The stem and leaf provoke an image of the Garden of Eden. The colors in this piece of art hold ambiguous interpretations: red is the appropriate color we associate with ripe fruits; red delicious is one of if not the most popular and common apple cultivars, the color red in and of itself, as aforementioned previously- represents life; oxygenated blood, while also representing the blood that will be spilled for the rest of the rule of H. sapiens due to Adam and Eve forsaking God's command by consuming the forbidden apple. (I probably would too, as I reallly like apples). With that in mind, the stem could be alternatively perceived as a worm emerging from the apple, while the worm is actually a slithering, slippery, sinister serpentine...while the color green signifies "go" and "okay" on a psychological level, hence why Adam and Eve where tricked in to eating the fruit...makes you wonder if God was framing Adam and Eve from the get go to push some nefarious agenda...this 146 X 133 1.2 kb work of art truly encapsulates a myriad of astoundingly astute and provocative messages...