Hello NewGrounders, and happy new year. Or as I like to say, have an absolutely splending, profound arbitary celestial orthogonalization day. No one day is inherently more important than the other and deserving of special celebration. Each day has the potential to be beautiful or catastrophic. No point in making resolutions today when you could (should) have made them countless days ago and stop anytime you please.
in my previous post, I discussed #sumirs3cjams (hashtag included to make this project more hip and retweetable to all my followers). i have always intended to submit to the audio portal more, but regarded this as a place to showcase high quality works. or at the very least, made submissions that were applicable to be included in flash submissions. but there are two contradictions in this statement: #1 my work pales in comparison to some of the audio greats that have graced this fine artistic establishment & #2 I stand firmly by NewGrounds' (retired?) old slogan "everything by everyone" so regardless of the quality of your work, you should share it with others and look to improve yourself as an artist.
this project was partially inspired by Cyberdevil's "Project 2014, 2015, etc" over at the CyberDatabase. He's releasing a poem, lyric(s), or short bit of creative literature every day- consistently for the past 2+ years. I initially planned for creating new content for every day of the year, but that's overly ambitious; once a week is enough. Cyberdevil's primarily a writer who speaks through words and I'm primarily a musician who speaks through the highly interpretive sounds of audible solo and sound. Not full tracks, or polished loops, but what I like to call "jams" of me improvising in one take over a continuous 15-20 second loop (because that's the max time on my effects station). Nothing ground breaking, minimal external mixing, and a contrast to the more robust tracks I've primarily uploaded over the years. The idea here as well is to be profilic, to contribute something musically every week primarily for myself, and secondily to publicly publish some sick tunes for potential listening on the world wide web.
Reviews/comments always appreciated. I will check out your work too if you want so post your sick beats in this comment space below, please...I haven't made an audio review in 1 year WTF! or just chat it up. Woah it's a bit quiet around these parts. Fulfill what your temporary chemical reactions demands. That's all there ever is, if you think about it. No free will. No objective conscience or reality. No sentience. No science. No money. No emotions. Just interacting organic sludge that is slave to a series of temporary chemical reactions. If you think about it, it makes sense that music exists outside this realm and is the closest thing as to what we try to defy as life on this f*cked up sphere that was oh so conviently situated in the space which approaches infinity in four observable dimensions...
6. Between the Wheels and the Road
11. Suburban Sunset
16. Safe Haven
17. Day's End Blues
19. Dreaming Planet
20. Lost Summer Days
21. Slenderman Lurks
23. Nosferatu Tales
1. Midnight Haze sounds like 70's background music, from an A-list porno. Like the ones where they didn't (couldn't) record audio on set, so they spent a few bucks on these nameless bands, who made some damn fine instrumentals!
Happy new year dude, you sure know how to age gracefully!
hahaha what a great compliment to start off the new year! thanks man!
the musicians behind adult music will remain largely unknown, that's just the state of the industry and how America views sexuality.
thanks, you too.