[An even more mundane topic, unless you like visualizing data] So I wrote a few newsposts ago that I've been watching the world go by since around mid-2022. One of my #100 resolutions/challenges/goals/projects for 2022 was to rank each day with a numeric score- and I did just that.
Never got around to publishing the results until now. Or any stuff from 2022 for that matter...
January 2025 went by quite fast. It was a better January than 2020, 2023, and 2024, but not 2021 and 2022. I've been staying busy, working a lot and for the first time in years working out a little bit, and trying to get back into some hobbies. So there's less time for wallowing like I have been doing the past couple years, but also less time to be lazy and have fun. I'm slowly getting a bit more control of my life following my December midlife crisis (which I have yet to write about) and I've got a long road ahead of me. I definitely have some health issues I need to properly address, anxieties that lower my quality of life, and bad habits to correct. So doing better, but still feel like I'm not doing enough.
I think the practice of new year resolutions is quite silly, the day is arbitrary, real change should be made at any time and when one is ready.
But I suppose it's okay to like silly things for fun. I also have fun putting arbitrary time periods in perspective, giving them 'power rankings' like each year or month are sports teams competing against each other.
All 365 days in a cool heatmap. Blues are bad pinks are decent. First glance looks like an overall not bad year...
Best month was February with a 5.96 and worst month was November with a round average of 5.00.
There wasn't a specific favorable day of the week; worst day was Monday with an average of 5.33 and best day was Thursday with an average of 5.63.
Same info as the heatmap but easier to visualize chronologically with a scatter plot. No discernible trends.
Histogram shows vast majority of days were okay and slightly positive.
Frivolities abound...
Days are ranked from 0-10 with 10 being a once in a lifetime enriching experience (e.g. birth of first child) and 0 being an absolutely horrible day (e.g. death of a loved one). I only had days ranking from 2-7. Most were 5-6; never too high, never too low. 5 is supposed to be the midpoint and neutral; but if you saw a 5/10 on a movie or flash animation, you may not think it's very good, and a 5/10 on a test is a failing grade.
0: Worst Days Ever
1: ???
2: Terrible Day
3: Bad Day
4: Not a Good Day
5: Meh Day
6: Slightly Positive Day/Content/No Major Complaints
7: Good Day
8: Great Day
9: ???
10: Best Days Ever
Not sure how much great days I've had as an adult. Last one was in 2021...