Thanks, and to you as well! A guy who plays through doom wads is supposed to play that when it comes out, I'll link it for you when it comes.
Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
Thanks, and to you as well! A guy who plays through doom wads is supposed to play that when it comes out, I'll link it for you when it comes.
Nice...I (as does Cyberdevil I presume) look forward to it...
Have a good one lol,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
I'm actually really surprised that you show positive feedback about this project. The rest of Doomworld hates what we do lol.
Viraj seems like a cool person
He indeed is!! I'm sure he would appreciate your comment.
Yellow is cool (but brown is cooler),
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Yo man! about this salad:
spinach, green & red lettuce, arugula, radicchio, swiss or red chard, (alternatively "spring mix" salad will fulfill the leafy green & red vegetable supplement), red onions, roasted pumpkin seeds, red cabbage, spanish peanuts, snap peas, mandarin oranges, won ton chips, topped in a sesame ginger's delectable, and promotes good colon health too!!
So, do i cut them all up and jumble them together, and that's it? nothing else other than the finisher ginger dressing? because i may try it and this thing has your name on it XD.
sounds right!! in fact, red onions are the only ingredient that I would need to cut (into rings) and then throw it all together and toss the salad lol!
any ginger dressing will do (I use this one: in my experience the darker the ginger dressing, the better.
Wishing for a delicious success amidst your culinary pursuits,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Interesting, sounds simple enough, almost fool proof so i doubt i will screw it, anyway i will let you know once i get around to it, about half the ingredients are standard on the shopping list, oh but i will not use peanuts i don't like them, red onions and red cabbage quite the sweet salad.
Wait, hold it! you want me to jumble the won ton chips into the salad? are you sure? actually this is a first for me to add those into a salad...
that's okay, the peanuts are the least important ingredient and not necessary with the won ton chips IMO- just adds a nice Thai quality.
You could just top the mixed up veggies with won ton chips I suppose, they are just a crouton substitute.
Insert random platitude in French here lol,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Oh so they have the same texture? then sure, i will jumble them up!
Croutons and won ton chips? Not really. They are similar in the vein that they are a non-vegetable salad topping.
Towards another delightful episode on ChefGrounds,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Damn then now i have my doubts again about the won ton chips, anyway i will use Croutons first, then whenever i repeat i will go with the wtc, of course i first have to pass the list to my mom XD.
Croutons on an Asian salad?? Blasphemy!! Nah, sounds kosher to haven't tasted won ton chips before have you...
Building upon salad auxiliaries insight,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Indeed i have not, but you could have known about that when i assumed then having similar texture to Croutons XD.
Come on man that salad is so simple to do, that the only Asian thing to it is some of the veggies, indeed its simplicity is what is making me consider being the one cooking it haha.
Key Asian ingredients = snap peas, won ton chips, mandarin oranges and of course the ginger dressing...
I've never found a salad that isn't simple to make...the hardest part is sometimes finding the ingredients.
Wishing you a bill of clean colon health,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Well you know those salads that actually require you to cook the veggies first, or other non vegetable ingredients (but are still called salads), or what about those with the complex sauces and dressings?
I seemed to have jumped the gun on that one!! Fruit salads, meat salads, bread salads...seems like they are just separate dishes to me. When I think of salads- I think of primarily fresh, uncooked veggie based ingredients...all those ingredients in my salad are raw btw...except won ton chips of course. I suppose if you went hardcore DIY mode and made croutons and dressings from scratch preparing a salad could be considered laborious, though I've never bothered to make dressings from scratch. Except a simple balsamic/peach/olive oil hybrid...I just stick to the professionals when it comes to that lol...
A salad a day and the Indian Doctor will come out and play,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
... "and the Indian Doctor will come out and play" what if... i don't want him to go out and play? time to eat some apples and keep him at bay.
...well there's no keeping this Indian Doctor at bay!! Especially on the topic of apples. Speaking of which...try Dr. S3C's Apple-Bacon Gorgonzola salad blend...a culinary classic!
spinach, green & red lettuce, arugula, radicchio, swiss or red chard, (alternatively "spring mix" salad will fulfill the leafy green & red vegetable supplement), red onions, sliced green and red apples (granny smith and gala or fuji cultivar), bosc pears, candied walnuts, bacon (either bacon bits or chop bacon strips into small pieces- sometimes bacon bits are too finely chopped), feta cheese crumbles, and Gorgonzola dressing.
Sending you East Coast brotherly love,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
I don't like bacon.
Simply outrageous!! Is this some kind of sick joke...or are you one of those new-fangled vegan hippies...
Sending you good vibes and positive karma (wrapped in bacon),
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
I like and eat:
- some cow meat but not all.
- some goat meat but not all (rarely of course, since it is both expensive and hard to get, not really worth it now that i think about it...).
- some fish as long as i know where the hell they fish or farmed them, the same with the squid and octopus, crabs, lobster, but not shrimps somehow shrimp upsets my stomach nowadays, when i was younger i loved shrimp cream soup, and i still do, but man the stomach ache that it produces on me keeps me at bay.
And that's it for meat, i am not really a fan of birds past their infancy as eggs, and i don't really like to eat members of the Suidae family at all, well maybe those Christmas hams with Christmas sauce, but that's it.
No man XD, i am not a vegan hippy, neither am i a religious guy avoiding swine nor is on my morals or personal ethic the non consuming of meat, haha is all about taste, and digestion in the case of shrimp, for me everything is food as long as it is safe, edible, and tasty, hell we are food too is just that is not convenient to think of humans like mere animals just like the rest of our neighbors. I think i mentioned this one too on Cyberdevil, it was RE: Pescetarianism or something like that.
So yeah i don't like bacon, i like Francis Bacon the 2 of them, the artist and the philosopher.
Talking about piggies, it seems that various cannibals describe human meat as similar to pork, so chances are that i would not like human meat either.
Also... i don't believe in karma neither, nor destiny, things just happen. But i appreciate the sentiment (except for the bacon part hahaha).
Hehe...well there you have it. I have no qualms with your personal palette, the meat food group is my least favorite anyway...
Francis Bacon huh...Hey, were you around for Kevin Bacon Day (April 1st 2010)
Sending you non-spiritual positive sentiments wrapped in some cow meat (but not all),
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Yeah i do prefer veggies way more than meat.
I was around, but i was not as active, i was more of a lurker, those were the days, not communicating saves so much time XD.
I just imagined some spaghetti with meatballs travelling the void of space, and as it targets me it burns while reentering orbit... weird, but kinda delicious.
An astoundingly astute and provocative vision (if not hilarious, to a certain degree) there! The cosmos are a bit like a spaghetti dish huh?? With the fewer meatballs being planetary bodies, the meat sauce being various stars, endless noodles representing the very threads that connect our spatial, time, further dimensions, and even memories...all in a bottom, delicious void of spaghetti sauce...
Stay hungry my friends,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
Oh man, that was deep, that was so deep that i can't see you down there XD.
Wootie woo woo <3
You are a legend.
Simply stupendous. Simply S3C.
Towards another 7 years of genuine NewGrounds social rapport,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -
I am actually playing a hand in making that heha.
Cool! Keep up the great work!
Warm vibes, good karma, and positive energies are channeled in your general direction from yours truly,
- Dr. Sumir Thripi Chandra "S3C" -