lol, j/k
who am i kidding
at this point I'm not chasing dreams anymore. just running from nightmares and finding temporary pockets of shelter.
Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
Posted by S3C - December 31st, 2017
lol, j/k
who am i kidding
at this point I'm not chasing dreams anymore. just running from nightmares and finding temporary pockets of shelter.
Halfway in reference to title I meant, new year but not not new you... yet? Man that sounds like a depressing low... indeed you cannot go back, but just gotta keep pushing forwards. I've felt the same way but maybe I haven't really reached the age where such futility truly presents itself, or been quite as low... or maybe things got better again and I don't really remember how hopeless it once was... at your lowest points you have the potential to rise the highest, anyway. And it can only get brighter after that... or so they say. In a lot of those games it just keeps getting better the more discs you burn too, and even when they're all over... it doesn't really end there. Not in your mind. Not in the real-world metaphor: whatever might be after.
As for feeling like there's no spice and meaning to anything... maybe trying new things would be the best way to revive that curiosity. Doing unexpected or interesting things, no matter how minuscule. Trying to see the norms in a new light. Breaking down habit; routine; getting out of your comfort zone a bit whenever possible. I mean like: just start talking to a random stranger. See the sun rays play in an early morning haze. Run until you just can't run anymore. Try creative culinary treats, meditate, volunteer somewhere, podcast, whatever works...
Speaking of the club or pub scene in Europe: it seems to be OK in the UK, but here in Sweden either non-existent or just overly flashy and superficial. As far as I'm concerned it's just no world for me. Prefer hanging out in the wild, close to the Earth; far away from and yet closer to real people... lately feel like I could easily spark up conversations with strangers on a train, or bench, or bus, or whichever places I stumble through... haven't started being so forward yet but the prospect of new encounters keeps the curiosity alive, ya know? Maybe you just need some more manganese and sulfur to boost dopamine levels a little. Or some other mineral. Do a check-up and boost the body.
Also fo rizzle regarding those tetra masts. Gotta find some zones without coverage sometimes. Disconnect. Ground yourself. It's a cancerous air these days..
@nietzlawe or Danny Trejo. Finally got his first solo role and big break in the movie biz with Machete in 2010, and is now averaging at least 10-20 movies per year, just more and more for each year that goes by. The dude's over 70 y/o at this point.
Glad them words inspired! :)
it's a new, new year
not anymore it ain't
Find a pocket of shelter in a spider hole, via Saddam Hussain style? Sure hope all's well, it's rare to see a wall of comments go unanswered here for long :( And dude, of course, happy new year, to you and yours.
lol, I've taken it upon myself to be more consciously selfish; ignore the f*cked up decaying world around me, and keeping myself distracted with work. otherwise if I'm not busy my mind will start to existentially meander, which and I'll start falling down back that familiar hole. The internet will do that. I suppose my blog posts are intended as an open forum as a direct dialogue, but I certainly do appreciate the comments! Thanks for checking in!
XD Maybe they can reuse some of his scripts between movies too., some of them are pretty similar. just watched Anaconda (1997) btw, and turns out Danny Trejo had a role at the beginning of that one too! Didn't notice him last time. He's been everywhere...
Anyway at 70 y/0 I plan to be... doing something greater than careering off the road in a rollator! Big plans!!
even earlier is Heat (1995). and Vice City (1985 i think) as Umberto Robina if that counts.
He was in Heat too?! I don't remember that at all... as for Vice Vity, lol, took a quick Google before I realized you meant the game. Wish there was a movie, too! XD 1984, btw. Good times...
wait you've seen Heat? surprised I didn't ask/recommend that one to you...seeing how it's not in your reviewed movie list...
Ah... right, my bad, was thinking of Speed. Heat's still in the watchlist. Might give it a go tonight though.
Turned out I had watched Heat after all! Must've been a while ago since it's not on the list, but I remembered the airport scene vividly, at least, all the way from the hotel... as well as the farewell in the window, and other bits and pieces of the action. Don't think it had as big an impact on me this time as the first but definitely a great movie all the way through. Review on route in a day or two...
I'll have to check out Speed 1 & 2...
Definitely the first one, at least. :) Second's a decent movie but doesn't really compare. Doesn't have Keanu Reeves either. Compared to Heat, though, I'm not sure the 'seriousness' comes across so well, it was fast-paced in a different way, but not all so gritty and authentic.. more action than thriller.
Btw the reason I've been mixing together these two titles really has nothing to do with the movie itself - they're both great in their own way. Just the titles somehow... blend together. Heat/Speed, familiar laws of physics; interrelatable properties and multipliers of action, something like that...
It's also a video game (Heat for Speed, or was it Heed for Speed?)
lmao XD
there's also the porno Need for Seed
Oh yeah I've actually seen that one too.
*actually looks it up*
there's a gay porn one and straight one? it's also a bird simulator app
Hey man don't scare me like that, had to Google too just to check. XD Definitely straight-up straight, and apparently there's a couple of sequels too...
Whadayaknow! Also not to forget the acutely acclaimed:
Video unavailable now :/
I can't remember what I had here...
Heeey here's something:
Band name's there at least. Maybe possible to find most like this.
The video ID's available in the source code of the embed, just need to change embed to watch type and it just might be indexed.
thats it thanks!! I was surprised it was there. Its an obscure video. I tried searching with link and that retrieved nothing
@Cyberdevil That comment should have been for my next post XD
this one actually still exists on Youtube, but the embed says it's unavailable for some reason
This one is RJD2- The Proxy
Ahh it was the wrong one. XD Too many convos in parallel here...
Good to know.
Regarding the links, I suppose those aren't as commonly archived as the main ones. Anyone reaching a video via the site itself is likely to get the longer URL, and it seems people often share those directly too. Maybe the Wayback gets to more obscure videos via other indexes. Outlinks on channels they crawl for example.
Was looking for ways to get my own site on the Wayback recently and stumbled onto this:
Pretty powerful tool if you want to save larger batches - it follows outlinks too. The limit's 100,000 links/day. Could for example index all of your pages and I assume also follow all active media links on 'em at the same time.
I didn't know about that...
Twas definitely a grand thing to stumble upon. :) Though it indexes so fast my site starts giving 503 errors. Some 50 URLs/second. Looking at caching options to lessen server load and remedy that issue...
And there's more:
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I don't fully understand. I thought Archive was taking on the server load? Or is it a type of app developed by Archive that you run on your site? The latter makes less sense to me, as I thought the goal was to archive it on Archive Web not locally. I'd just run it on Google Cloud to thwart server issues. And what do you have on the google sheets? Different index points on your site? Does it crawl indefinitely depth wise (e.g. cyberdb -> newgrounds link -> twitter link -> etc.).
I've heard of that...
Cool, bookmarked!
not sure if I mentioned this to you before, but there's an obscure advanced search engine/API as well
Aw well, it's a New Year at least, halfway there. :P
Deep pockets in them tunes... though surely the nightmares will fade when the darkness clears and the eternal dawn arrives! I mean like: the ultimate perspective. That boundless optimism we all strive to reach. Or I. But eye the world and perspectives change, each year a step towards those realizations that just might break the rut... I believe there's such an age for all! Dream on! Keep fighting! WOO YEAH! NEW YEAR RESOLVE AND ENERGY!!!!
Very poetically phrased perspective though, in a way ain't that we all do, but still the more we run: the stronger we get. So each year this is: the strongest you yet.
nope, July 1st will be halfway there
i feel like this may be the weakest me yet. The derivative of my life < 0