*unsuitably, though suitable for this post, I suppose, lotsa loss of hopes...
Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
*unsuitably, though suitable for this post, I suppose, lotsa loss of hopes...
Me twos. :) First though: gotta make the best of this one.
I feel 2021 may already be a lost cause...
Dude why you reacting to stuff I posted in 2009? lmao! <3
i'm the biggest fan of risbolla/supergandhi64 lore
@Sensationalism @S3C Why? Are you secretly them???
supergandhi64 is a NewGrounds legend...but no, I'm not him. Some of my posting shticks are partially inspired by him, though.
Ever thought about getting into hemp jewelry and teaching S3C? :) Maybe that's really the path of destiny! Of peace and transience! Where all things fall into their place and bliss and harmony reign indigenous!
the former no, the latter yes
Oh! StackOverflow communities a potential precursor to that? Some totally different field? Interesting.
To both? If you ever wish to delve further into said conversation...
I guess I'm confused...and want to make it to 100 comments
Ah we're getting close now...
I mean: maybe you be doing a bit of teaching with your recently mentioned StackOverflow community interactions already? Something you'd want to get into professionally?
Alternative more existential response: yeah fo rizzle. A lot of that here too.
well I was in academia for a while which implies you teach to some degree, and was very close to becoming a teacher (formally and professionally).
I don't think StackOverflow is related to teaching pursuits. It does provide a wide range and in depth academic discussion though.
t. Snoop Dog
Confucianism seems kinda cool btw, on a subway related note. As in: confusion-based rabbithole. Was thinking of getting into that or Taoism earlier but as usual too little time to pursue alternate paths of enlightenment all too thoroughly.
Oh! Academia = not synonymous with university/college per se? I'd assumed it was simply the realm of higher-tier schooling. Where some people learn; some people teach; some do both. Not so? All inherently teach to some degree?
Maybe so. I do learn a lot there though. Delve into conversations naught at all but: fetch lotsa know-how!
Gave that a Google; got linked to Snoop Dogg - Boom ft. T-Pain
academia is synonymous with post-secondary / college schooling. Well if you get into research or post-graduate studies, there are often teaching duties or aspirations that come with it.
Snoop Dogg is the origin of 'fo shizzle' slang I think.
Mmm, gotta improve my British/US educational tier terminology, but that's what I meant to imply yes. Good to know. I never did pursue that path all that far, but seems like the teaching duties in regard to education might not really be an international phenomena. Hadn't heard of that being the case here. Maybe more prevalent in specific fields...
Ooh, learning new things here! I can see him coming up with something like that. As with Tech the: you know what I'm sizzling? OT teaching duties: solid work so far. ;)
@Frev ah for me it's probably the other way around. I grew up on the US strain but there's certain terminology I don't think I was ever taught at the time; assume that's why I get certain things confused. I spent my first school year in the UK actually but after that it was American curriculum up till seventh grade. After that Swedish, so post-secondary / college schooling in English or knowledge as to the classifications thereof just aren't there. :) But usually the dialog works well either way no? Understandable international-level English, hopefully.
You're likely suffering the Ben Franklin syndrome, where freewheeling innovation, decent socialization and mutual social uplifting, has left you down, despondent.
The world won't change, can't change that, but we can still plug at flashing the better angels of our good nature at the swine that root around the cesspool of modern social engineering
you've provided sentiments along these lines 5-7 years ago. I'll try to dig it up sometime
@VicariousE Interesting. 'A person who has already performed a favor for another person is more likely to do another favor for the other than if they had received a favor from that person. An explanation for this is cognitive dissonance'. Hmm, different twist to it with that definiteion, but both make sense...
Feeling like maybe when you intentionally make life harder for yourself you get the motivation to make it better too, but then sometimes it backfires and just feels like a waste of time. Why reinvent a wheel. Why do things you don't have to do. Why. That universal pondering. Regardless, doing good should theoretically = feeling good, and that = doing more good. It seems like a pretty good cycle if you can roll with it without crashing. Maybe the whole world can take that spin eventually.
One reinvents the wheel as an intellectual exercise, perhaps make their own version of it. gratz on #100
Love, is to give and not count the cost - some Pope
IDK man, I'm afraid fate accounts for 99.998% of what goes on, and free-will.. well, those buttheads could do better I'd wager lol
our actions are the result of chemical reactions...and chemical reactions, that's just physics in motion. 'Fate' sounds spiritual-based, I chalk it up the end result of entropy, any (non) deterministic events are out of our hands
And @VicariousE gets the symbolic 101. ;) YT! I mean TY!
Maybe 2021 is that year we finally reinvent the wheel for real then; make it as good as it's supposed to be! Might've been rolling on a somewhat subpar one all this time.
Can't deny the ethereal/spirits, science can only quantify the mass not the volume of a person thus far. Entropy is a fact but only in our mortal senses, there is more to sentient life than pounds and ounces, flowcharts that we can track. That's what makes life special
As I see it, physics IS a flowchart, human science cannot and never will be able to fully uncover the vertices and edges. Some can attribute the uncountable and non-observable to a mystical realm; the logic behind what we think we know and the wonder behind what's unknown is enough to interest me and reject nihilism. I see a pretty girl and I can get funny in my pants, whether it's because of hormones or some soul connection makes no difference to me...unless I'm Lutheran, then I will feel guilty about it lol
i like your way of thinking, and your newspost seems definitely unique, creative and poetic, in multiple ways, and with some nicely tuned words and expressions, found in each paragraph of this big post.
add to that your philosophical views about life, existentialism, a ''lost'' decade, thoughts about edginess, SJW's and the status of humanity as a whole, along with the various shifts that occur in a social environment, and you've got yourself a very interesting read for any day/night...
to shorten my posts meaning and to better express my thoughts about it, i like your writing, and i also like your way of expressing yourself in a post, which is always a refreshing thing to witness on any occasion, in any given moment...
if your music is as good as your writing skills, then im quite certain that you should post more of your audio online (in here+elsewhere), to even submit your unfinished, unpublished works, for you have good skills and it would be a waste to leave those gems unseen/unheard by the public.
well, thats my personal opinion, anyway.
the final choice will be yours, and yours alone.
either way, be well, and i wish you a happy new year!
PS: also, about the SJW topic of your post: i might not like bigots and racists, but i dont like extreme puritanism/political correctness either...
i dont like the strangling of comedy, or the way some people desire to kill off the freedom of expression, or the freedom of humour/thoughts, over the desires of some extremely ''touchy'' people, who have an extremely thin skin, and zero tolerance for anything different than their own (warped) mindviews on various things, be it on books, art, stand-up comedy or in the TV/videogames, etc etc....
in short: we should condemn bad things, thats a given, but we should also allow various forms of humour and of expression in the world, as long as they are good natured and not malicious.
thats all.
thank you very much chris-the-stick, this is one of the nicest, most encouraging comments I have received.
I agree with your postscript sentiments. Somewhat comically, I only refer to myself as a SJW. I do not mean to associate with or condone the SJWism that emanate from extreme puritans and the hyper PC cancel culture mob- the type that goes out of their way to seek offense. Humor, by definition, is good-natured, and thus humor cannot give offense, only people derive offense from it. Respect the sensitive, but live and let laugh. Free of context, meaning amongst your friends or personal audience, anything in art as long as it's legal and not directly abusing other people should be fair game.
You seem kinda suitably depressed for the New Year man. :) Do hope for good things with this one though, it's bound to get brighter! Set sights on new fight-worthy fights and see life like it might just be like paradise if we just: keep up that grind and get wise in due time.
I have my sights set on 2022.