Nice. :) They tried something like that here but it's not enforced so it's not working at all. Shops are pretty empty around 7 AM though if you're up early, and almost ditto right before closing time. On work days at least. Seems old people mostly take the opportunity during the day while everybody's working, only everybody's not working right now, realized mid-day is no longer a good time at all...
Hope you're getting some pictures of this btw. Surreal surveillance-state-like times...
lmao. But man... does that mean animals get it from humans too now? That we'll give it to them and they'll give it back to us? Or that they've just had it all along. All over. Not just those Wuhan bats/snakes/chickens/whatever it was.
EDIT: Grocery/Department stores have exclusive hours for seniors and high risk people now. Pretty much all old people are wearing masks, maybe 1/3 of the people I've encountered overall. Seems like the workers at these essential stores are required to wear them. They have barricades around the entrances, exits, and checkout lines with markings every six feet to ensure that people are keeping the appropriate social distance.