The sensitive sentence started good! But thin-skinned hmm, how that go... I'm all about justice, and warriors, and social justice, but SJW... that term seems to have been put to mis-use in recent years. SJWs seem to be fighting for a politically correct world that benefits the minorities over the masses, avenging earlier acts of injustice with turn-around terrorization. Being the reason there's place at all for groups with slogans like 'white lives matter too'. I'm at one with the cause of equality and fairness for all, but I dislike this trend... I see it as the reason things went as awry as they did with Tumblr, and YouTube, and why there even has to be a policy regarding the preservation of political tweets on Twitter, while at the same time you'll get banned for life if you say Bruce Jenner, no matter the context. At first impression it seems as if society as a whole is getting thin-skinned too, but I don't think that's it. Sensitivity's good. Being in tune with yourself and your emotions and feeling empathy for those who have it worse off is what separates us from the beasts and gives us a way to appreciate, but there's just something else at work here, some kind of minority warfare. Jealousy? Greed? What's the fuel? Is it simply good convictions turned bad? It's all twisted somehow. There seems to be so much more sensitivity yet all the same so much less understanding.
Anyway as for that large body of unpublished work I hope you have backups! :O And that some of it does reach our ears eventually. It's the same here. I share a lot of these sentiments and hey, there is hope even here, on this always as contemplative; decade-promoting post! :D May the shift to all good things eventually make it even over there on your side of the world and all. Happy New Beginnings!
Great grooves as always too. Also autoplay commitment. Question: is there a way to autoloop too?
hehe, of course I got autoplay working again, the ultimate question is, how much iterations of badly written instructions to myself will it take for me to do it with ease