so I went to update Vista (an old OS I know) and the system crashed in the process- corrupting the registry I presume, rendering my computer unable to boot. Not even in safe mode. Fortunately my HD (and my glorious gifs collection) seems to be unaffected. It still sucks, as I had some old software on there and the disks and original installers I don't have any more. A lot of my plugins, samples, presets, and whatnot for FL Studio were scattered all over the got damn place so it's gonna be a pain in the @ss to port old projects over...
I have a much better computer now. More modern. I welcome this new digital age where I can play flash games on high settings, listen to audio without crackling, watch YouTubes HD and experience no lag, and being innudated with videos won't f*ck up my social media feed...
sumirs3cjams has been postponed for this reason, amongst others. My preferred recording software was on a disk, and I'm going to have purchase an optical drive to install it my new's old software, hopefully it works on Shekelsoft Windows 10. The OS looks and runs amazing btw, although I fully anticipate the oncoming issues that have been popularily associated with the prematurely released system.
I'd like to thank all who happened to checked the music of the sumirs3cjams out!! It was supposed to last a full year, as a testament to post a tune every week, for the sake of being artisically consistent. I think 4 and a half months was a good mark though. My intentions were an overall success. I'm also satisfied with the amount of views.
sumirs3cjams will be back! Jazz Standard July or Juleidoscope perhaps?? Acoustic August?? Synthetic September?? At the very latest the tunes will be back for Spooktober...
cannot say I would do a consistent annual project like this again, tho. From my perspective, art is best when it's spontaneously created, not when it's produced by a fixed deadline, especially at weekly intervals. I tried to have no inhibitions when recording- just take each session as a normal jam, but the sincere playing is quick to fade into a serious attempt at recording which was not my intent for the project! but overall it was a fun ride.
Audio crackled on your old computer? Must've been a big handicap in that music production thing! About YT lag, can you watch 1080p movies in full screen without lag? Highest I can go on this computer is 480p.
Well, I'll be back in September to see if some of those jams are bangin' yet. :) 4 and a half was a good mark indeed! I agree these yearly projects easily get a bit tedious, but it seems to go in waves; after those days where I'd rather not have written anything, I'm still glad I did, it's like a creative reminder: keeps the craft fresh in mind. The greatest work however, is indeed usually done at spontaneous occasions.
not in the DAWs/AEs for the most part thankfully, as long as the sample buffer latency was set to a minimum. I was referring to audio in flash & video content. Just streaming audio was usually fine though.
Yeah, so far so good! I was thinking this new gear would get me watching videos more.
peace out