>not getting an engineering degree
>being this retarded
Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
What you say is true. Can't dispute much of it at all. But the issue I have, is with a lack of governmental accountability. Citizens are held to account, governments aren't, especially the unelected ones, who survive many administrations.
The Fed Reserve is especially unaccountable. The President 'chooses' it's members, and they are independent of virtually all government oversight.
Can't dispute you're counter response either :P yeah, it's too bad that government cannot be held in place but with that said I don't think they're intentionally trying to scheme against their citizens either...they just may not have the best economic sense. and like I said on cyberdevil's post all socio-political-economic systems can be manipulated in some way, it just happens that the one in America supports the economic ideas of idiots on a golf course.
oh p.s. I know I've voiced my disagreements with you in the past, perhaps made a subtle jab or too, but I do attend no hard feelings at all. I don't see you as one of those conspiracy theorists (for lack of a better term) or doomsdayers that preach not widely accepted theories for the sake of trying to "be above the sheep". You're a good writer and I enjoy reading your blogs and comments.
2013 isn't over yet! I'm getting way too many degrees over here, the sun's been blazing so intently on the windows it seems I may have to start working nights instead of attempting to not mind my overheated mind within this furnace. You wouldn't think a place like Sweden could be so warm...
An intense GIF btw, as a break to the re-occurring ambiance. T he pavement's all that gives away the loop.
haha, it's actually 107 degrees here. can easily get up into the 110s. we have to use special screens to block the sun so less energy/money is needed for the vital air conditioners to run.
yeah, the flag attached to the lampost and the overall lighting patterns on the right side of the gif break the seamless-ness.
My computer suddenly slow down...
Might I ask, what engineering degree?
what engineering degree am I getting? I'm not pursuing one currently (making me retarded) I was just implying that it would be fairly hard to get a job in a related field without having an engineering degree, as of now. paying all that money for a degree...yet still being employable. Learning is what education should be about, but the same kind of knowledge can be gained for close to free (internet, libraries, forums).
of course, what I say is not entirely true though.
Interesting user image! Interpretationally mpressionistic self-portrait?
ha, i guess you could say that.
You can always study biomedical engineering if you want, there are lots of open, free resources like MIT open course ware, or Khan Academy the sky is the limit man (Well not really) ;)
Though its true what you say about economy and education, its a shame people get employment now a days only through a degree and not through the actual knowledge they have. Being a telecom engineer myself I can tell you now that some of the best workers and technicians I've met on the field never went to college and yet are vital elements to keep the business running.
I suppose the employment//education correlation depends on the field tho- some more creative fields like music or visual design where "the work/skills speaks for itself" lessens the merit of respective degrees. On the other hand, if a large engineering firm or corporation is sifting through hundreds of applicants, the most efficient way to assess their potential value to the company is by looking at their credentials.
heh, I guess my point is a testament to never having a true direction, and it seems like every month I have a new idea of what I want to be when I grow up ;) and I'll probably never completely know. like you say, there are tons of open, free resources that can give you the education/background to help propel you where it is you want to go. With that said, I don't wake up every morning thinking "Yes! Bioengineering!" it's just that the skills that engineers obtain are the most employable (for good reason) and if I'm already paying all that $$$ for college shouldn't I be seeking out a degree that fulfills such?
soo much tech talk i dont understand a word anyone is saying O_O
The important thing, is to just get a degree. Even if it looks crappy, you got a foot in the door to somewhere.
well, i'm not sure how true that is. like they say, a bachelors is the new high school certificate, or was it B.S, M.S., and PhD stand for bullshit, more of the same, and piled higher and deeper, respectively :p Not that I'm saying(some) degrees and the education that goes along with it is worthless by any means, but it feels like a B.S. only opens up a peephole to look through the door, not actually open up the door and get to step in.
Why bother seeing how fucking corrupt everything is in the government? Shit has to change.
1.) the job market is partially independent of the government, and is largely comprised of people with degrees
2.) education in and of itself is entirely independent of the government
3.) even though knowledge and most experience can be sought for free, universities are still on par with providing premier education with the resources that they can provide to its students.
4.) you cannot change large scale corruption. you work on making the world a better place locally and by one person at a time, and that all starts by educating others.
I'm not talking about education and jobs, I'm saying everything is corrupt in the government. And it needs to stop. The Constitution doesn't exist anymore, and our rights are being raped.
then what you were referencing when you said "why bother"? why bother what?
sick as gif
Why bother doing anything but fighting them?
"4.) you cannot change large scale corruption. you work on making the world a better place locally and by one person at a time, and that all starts by educating others."
You can change it by everyone forming a militia and taking the government over.
Indeed, locally, one person at a time, through the power of education
wow, that sounded really gay
No, through the power of being a FAGGOT.
lmfao, well isnt that a wonderful thing to say
Mmhmm. Tis a wonderful thing to say.
Whaa? You picked a lousy time time to drop a bomb liek this! Why no school? Any engineering degree is shit-hard work, but well worth it. Not electrical, right? That's the hardest of the bunch (or so I've been told).
But as you say in your blurb, it's about being of use... So you think you could make a few bucks, in say, an emerging market <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BRICS</a>? My parents grew up in an America that had growth, and I'm pissed they saw that :< Our whole country is in debt, which means our money is almost worthless... soon :\
it's definitely the most marketable bachelor degree yeah. and i've never dropped school i'm just not an engineer lol. although I might go into bio/biomedical engineering after i graduate this year, of course, tuition is so gat damn expensive and it would be a waste of funds if I I turn out not to enjoy the field. any degree is hard as you make it if you challenge yourself- of course the minimum amount of work is different from say a BA in communications than a BSE in engineering, though.
thanks for noticing my blurb, it's words of wisdom from an old music professor, whom I quote a lot.
havent you been proclaiming that our money is going to be worthless since like 2000, haha? How's the economy even remotely close to that? i mean its a valid area of concern right now (especially compared to certain claims that the world was gonna end in December 2012 *cough cough*) but it's never good to act like a turkey running around with its head cut off. Like Rome, all great nations come to an end at some point, but it doesnt happen overnight. I don't like Obama either, but you will survive another four years of him reading off some old white guy's script the same way dems survived another four years of Bush.
Look at all the advances and technology that is being developed in America- to say we're not growing is only true in an monetary sense, if at all.