dont mind me, just another shitty nostalgic whiny post
i shouldnt complain, but honestly my life is boring as fuck
school sucks, i work a boring job, i have no time for a social life, which actually is not true, because i spend a lot of time on the internet doing menial and worthless activities, when i should be studying or if i'm not doing that spending it with friends/doing chores/working out/sleeping/doing something productive. i'm out of shape, and i'm most likely going to die old, fat, single, and miserable.
i miss taking music classes, but most of all I miss making music and uploading it to the newgrounds and the internet, but those days are long gone. i haven't found that creative spark in two years. sure i've improved overall as a musician, but it doesn't mean shit if i dont have any ideas or the patience to make a track. yadda, yadda, yadda. i'm jealous of all the fabulous musicians on Newgrounds, how they've grown over the years, how they're able to consistently produce great music and receive good feedback. i miss writing detailed reviews and reading the responses. i really miss all the fun i've had on NG from 2007- early mid 2010. I really feel like it's time to make an "official retirement" although that would be quite hypocritical of me seeing that I usually condemn people for doing so.
i'm about to finish the fifth year of college, and i -still- havent found out what i want to do yet. it all seems like an overall waste. am i enjoying myself? yes and no. i have accumulated so many freakin (useless) credits. this semester is going to be the longest, and i'm already feeling burned out at the end of the third week.
i guess i'll man up for the next 3-4 years. in the meantime, someone please entertain me-
you should try some escapism hobbies, like videogames or reading.
i do a good amount of reading, although that's mostly non-fiction
i could try video games, but i'm afraid of getting addicted and playing too much. i might have to hook up my ps2 tho- i haven't played a console game in years