Amare stoudemire is most likely getting traded for a "promising" young player and the contract of a tall bald headed jew, I got rejected by a girl on valentines day, my guitar playing sucks, my piano playing sucks, my music is shit, and worst of all, I keep getting trolled by so many smug faggots online.
"Nil Illigitemus Carborundom"'s Latin for "Don't let the bastards get ya down."
Stoudemire? What can ya do. The rejection? Bitch probably wasn't worth your time anyway...and I know I'm an asshole for even suggesting it, but think of this realistically, and just be patient. You're 15. Situations with women around that age are fickle and usually disasterous anyway, so just wait it out. As for your musical skills, you need to acknowledge how you're fucking up and fix it by practicing the ever-loving shit out of it. It's going to be difficult, but "if it were easy, everybody would do it." Right? Right. They say it takes 10,000 hours devoted to one task before you become a legitimate expert at it, so keep up the good work.
And the trolls? Fuck'em. They're on the internet, and their virgin asses chuckle the cheeto crumbs off of their Smurf shirt because they have no real social life or anything better to do. The best thing you can do, since their after negative attention, ISN'T to give them what they want and let them ruin your day. Rise above the bullshitters, and shrug 'em off. By ignoring them, they fade into obscurity in their parent's basement.
tl:dr, buck-up.
lmao. i'm not really 15. i suppose i just wasnt really her type...and i havent really been trolled (recently). just thought i would throw that in at the end for humor value. And Outliers is a great book. the problem with music (as all creative fields) is there's so many different damn areas, composition, performing different instruments, theory, aural recognition, sound design, synthesis, mixing, musicology, history, philosophy, psychology, arranging, listening, analyzing, hardware, sampling, reviewing....not enough time to do it all. anyways i dont think i'm TERRIBLE but selling myself short helps me sleep at night, and lowers expectations :p
even tho this was just meant to be a joke post (i wouldnt really consider this a bad day lol), I still appreciate your time and advice man.