I think I made a mistake
Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
who the f*ck uses Microsoft internet browsers lmao
65+ y/o grandparents
IOW, not NewGrounders, thats for sure
Love the vibe, as always, though missing that ambient and experimental imagery that used to accompany them! :O Also did I... forget your birthday? Did I ever know when it was? Ever thought about joining the: https://painbringer.newgrounds.com/news/post/771661 ? You have pretty young grandparents huh. And for real what do you think about https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/ ?
Great, glad you like it!
well, it's usually just the album cover, guess this one's less ethereal than the others, still quite fitting IMO
i have thought about it
you thought I meant -my- grandparents where 65?
they're in their 80s
i don't think much about it...haven't had the brain power to critically evaluate the omens of 5G technologies
For sure for sure and: Nike slogan.
Well when you say 'grandparents' I naturally assume it's in regard to those grandparents you can naturally relate to and know the customs of, IOW natural grandparents. How else would you know that other 65 y/o grandparents use such browsers? O_o Also: admirably aged grandparents there.
Do they use browsers?
All this tiredness may be due to all these wireless technologies too, if you believe the naysayers. I'm getting pretty close to investing in some EMF measurement tools and building my own Faraday cage myself. Seems like it might be worth the investment. Just in case. They used to say progress depends on the unreasonable, but these days those who stand against progress seem to be made out to be the unreasonable ones. So: could regression be the new progression? Is 'new' progress just news objects projected by skewed prophets on this consumer gauntlet project?
Well, I shan't force you to fry your brains on these depressing new threats. Most depressing ones yet. So I stress and I fret. Getting better in steps. More in action than thought. Not so drastic for naught. All the brooding will brew. Gotta do what you do. Be the truest of true. Go to school and wise. To see through their disguise. All those dooming our blue, green, white slice of view in this pool. This abyss we call space. This abysimal place. Where we race to be great. And erase our mistakes. It's no trait I embrace. Gotta learn and be stern. Make an urn for the burnt. Burn those perps who say today 5G is great and there's no turn for concern. Just go murder the birds. And the bees in the burbs. Turn the streets to deserts. All concrete and cancers. Although we have answers. They don't see they just... greed it must be feeding such, power hungry dreams that rupture spleens and kneed our knees till we can't stead ourselves or even see our rut. Mindless mind games weeding us till we stop our chasing, surrenda, so what does it matter if I send a: letter, asking them to make a better, depopulation agenda.
I prefer the double check-mark common amongst Indians...
From experience with: 65 y/o grandparents. Thx
they can hardly configure a modern television. Well my grandma used Rosetta Stone though...
nah, it's due to me getting bored of my own insipid thoughts. what
I really was pretty heavy into 5G a while back huh... how's life these days though? Any vacation time for you?
woah a Cyberdevil post in early August wHaT tHE HEcK
shouldn't complain, just minor first world overpriviledged white male problems: moral conflicts, festering existential crises, distracting introspection, an inproportionate question to answer ratio leading to oversaturated connectivity of my neural network. This leads to thought defragmentation. I would defrag my head but brains are not contiguous.
no vacation but i'm excited to inform you that my work accidentally sent invitations for an event in Gothenburg...an accident they had to rectify though, so I won't be going but it was still a cool time lapse moment
Lots of 65 y/o grandparents around there? Somewhat confused by the double check mark bit.
Ey, your grandma's a pretty modern woman then! We were all pretty fascinated when mine started learning English in her eighties. Went through all the stages of technological evolution till the late days of chunky TVs and small radio too - they were first in the village with a washing machine. Never really made it to the Internet level though. Crazy how just a decade ago it really wasn't something everyone had to have...
Hmm? Huh? What are you talking about? Your thoughts are tasty.
Yeah that was a bit confusing how I threw that in there...
Nike slogan => Nike logo = check mark
I need a year of technological devolution tbh
It's a fleeting thing, this time, the time between the times when the Cyberdevil doth not post in August!
At least you're really thinking this through!
Ah... man, that would've been cool if you'd actually been sent there! Could've taken a quick trip there myself if it so happened to not be at the time when I'm way up North. Actually never been to Gothenburg before. Been thinking about doing some national touristing way down South. Never been away a way down South.
Speaking of existential/midlife-crisis stuff btw, I was pretty angsty I'd run into some kind of breakdown when I hit 30, as the birthdays leading up to it have been gaining some strange mysterious melancholy I cannot control, but happy to say it turned out great. Everyone gathered together and we actually had a really good time. I'm surprised. Feels liberating. If I didn't hit the crisis now then there's still ten years to actually get accomplished before the next one; get where I want to be up in this world here! Maybe summer's just an overly positive time but: all feels hopeful. Minor first world problems fade away in a haze of ambition that tiredness cannot claw away.
Vacation time really makes a difference. Hard labor type vacation time.
Well I'm really glad to hear that your 30th went well Cyberdevil
Though feels like I'm starting to write stuff like an old dude. Hmm.
How's that for rare Cyberdevil in August posts! Woo.
l*ts *f *ld fuckers *n th*s new*post
jk love u both tbh
Oh my, nice anti-censoring agustana/Kayleee/Alias/BotKAY/Kiwi!
Heeey a fresh @Kiwi just rolled into this moldy old cozy hold where us old folks just mozy slow!
hehe got autoplay to work again...appears the old code doesnt work tho (tested it on Chrome & Firefox). still seems to work on Edge but who the f*ck uses Microsoft internet browsers lmao. anyway appears Firefox has autoplay blocked by default now (smart choice)