Oh hey, the psychedelic; smooth tunes are back! And this time it really goes on forever! Was thinking maybe I had some music open in another tab after the initial video ended (and it looks like it's over) but seems that was a mere (intentional?) illusion. Cool playlist.
Amen, lettuce keep NG great forever, though the pinnacle of popularity around 2007 does seem like a point to strive to get back to... was it at it's best then, or just at it's most popular, though? No longer as sure as I was back when activity first started to dwindle. Almost feels more homely now than it used to be. I keep living in the past in many regards, but nostalgia runs in the genes right?
Do have plenty of second thoughts. Thoughts, every second. Regrets. Wonders. Hopes. All things good and bad, and always one side teetering over the other, never that perfect balance. Maybe that's the goal right now: balance. Calm. Objectivity. An ease to seek out purpose and peace and all that's needed. Interesting retrospectives and contemplations.
Looking forward to the latter half of those much too early abandoned #sumirs3cjams too! And lol, time flies.
hehe...got autoplay to work again :cool: