Except for the fact that I'm still a music major and I wasn't in a top business school.
Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
Except for the fact that I'm still a music major and I wasn't in a top business school.
it all just means that you've become a flaming homosexual
become? that was already established on 3/25/08.
Agreed with the points above. This has actually sort of happened to me, yet in a different way. I transferred to a different school to pursue my real interests: from Software Engineering, to Audio Production. Can't say it's the best school ever, and the program is just a year old (with 5 years of development on its back), but maybe I'll be able to learn a few things to progress even further.
(Example: music theory, something that high school hasn't taught me when they told me to play Viola, hah. Thanks to them, I've been playing it for three years without really knowing my scales.)
But anyhow, I'm glad you're making the change :) I'm right there with ya. Re-lighting that fire that began the flow of inspiration in the first place.
Hey! nice to hear from you.
From my time in college...its really not about how acclaimed the school may be, but how well you 'click' with your professors but foremost how far you want to take your learning experience. I havent had any bad teachers at my CC, yet, but just in two semesters at a university I had a math teacher that was very confident and spoke little English, another math teacher who was practically a geriatic Hank Hill and obviously didnt give a shit about his students, and a history teacher that read word for word what came out of the text and nothing else.
music theory seems to be a subject that is underlooked in grade schools, whether it be lack of interest, importance, or lack of personnel who are competent and/or confident in teaching theory. it was offered at my high school...but half the people in the class werent involved in any of the schools music ensembles anyway! It certainly isnt necessary. especially if what you did at your HS was primarily focused around chamber ensemble work. my sister too played viola (violin actually) for six years in school without knowing anything other than how to read and play music. There's people at my CC who are absolutely amazing performers but suprisingly enough, dont know how to spell triads or scales, and may even have difficultly with it. Regardless, theory will help you become a more well-rounded musician, especially if you continue with composing/producing stuff. Also, it's near essential when trying to establish a universal type of communication with others.
Wish I could find that fire, because I've got lots of lighter fuel and matches to re-light it ;) <- geez, that was a lame way to end this post.
I've come to a similar point in my life. I have found, however, that if I discipline myself to sit down and compose, something usually comes. I'm making a goal to compose two hours a day- even if most if it is junk, there is bound to be some gems and plenty of improvement. I was reading an article from Brahms on composition, and he said to get yourself in the discipline of consistently composing.
Thats quite true. Einstein, Edison, Jewish Guy x, went through hundreds of failed experiments before they had a successful one. I am composing in some sense around two hours a day, whether it be pseudo-composing (improv) over chord progressions or jazz standards, or writing stuff in the piano roll in FL. But I havent found anything that I've liked yet. and when I do, I dont have enough inspiration to flesh it out. If I create or find some cool sounds or an interesting instrumentation to work with, I don't have any good compositional ideas, and when I might have good compositional ideas is the time when all the sounds I have sound blase. I'm seeming to run into the same problems in producing that I thought I had conquered two years ago. oh well.
Damn, I wish I could type out a lengthy and profound comment! Otherwise, I find what you typed up here very insightful. Thanks for that. Don't give up your dream.
why thank you sir.
;) Yes sir, I've been on a... 3-5 month hiatus, and virtually dropped off the face of the earth for college, and all of my issues surrounding it, what with the transfer from Penn State over to The Art Institute. It's been complicated stuff, and no real inspiration has hit since then (well, not until 2 days ago, haha). So far, my teachers have been pretty cool. Subjects are all about audio, and the random Photoshop class here and Gen Ed courses there. Quite fun actually, even though classes are a massive four hours long (totally worth it).
But besides that, hopefully you get some inspiration. If not, then you can look back at the ol' Oceanscaper collab we tried out! I still have that bad boy after all these 2 years, haha. Might spark a little something from it ;)
my cpu wasnt able to really handle that project :| I also wasnt able to come up with any good ideas, probably wouldnt be able to add much parts of value. feel free to post it on you profile if you want!
Well.. it is sort of sitting in my external... I'll probably take some time to re-mix it down before I do anything else with it. Still givin' some major props to ya though!
ha. thanks
Looks like I missed one thoroughly self-reflective write-up back in the day! For shame I wasn't here the year where you actually started things with a PASSION! To get places. To do stuff. Whatever happened this you? :O Our creative phases go in only occasionally intersecting waves, it seems.
Also Bob The Ball huh. Gotta research.
I started reading this yesterday, couldn't get through it all, too cringeworthy.
I guess life happens. You start out as a Kindergartner filled with wonder and not yet being able to grasp that certain things, simply aren't possible. The older you get, the more jaded you become. Yes, it comes back, but like with any injury, you will never be as strong as before.
still a classic: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/140303
Oozed some inspiration though. :) Good read. Good one to start the year too.
Ah yeah, that it does, but it shouldn't have to. Bruce Lee broke his back and got back again though everyone said he wouldn't! Mind's stronger than body. Mind's stronger than reality. Mind knows no limits. Mine just needs some motivation...
Oh an NG thing! And I've seen it already! And given it five stars!!! Awesome. Gotta rewatch, maybe add it to my favorites and do something about my memory.
Story of my life.
A+ post.
thanks man