that's cool, one thing i couldn't do for shit is programming, tried asm when i did super mario world rom hack and tried to edit some gta san andreas/vice city cleo mods
Age 49, Dude
NG Motivational Speaker
Joined on 3/25/08
that's cool, one thing i couldn't do for shit is programming, tried asm when i did super mario world rom hack and tried to edit some gta san andreas/vice city cleo mods
Woah for real??? GTA San Andreas and Vice City were my first foray into programming!
I started off with assembly, MIPS to be precise because that's the architecture of the PS2.
Of course, that was waaaaaay over my head so I aptly shifted over to the basics, namely QBASIC and VisualBASIC
@S3C Probably Lua or C/C++/C#, mostly because I'm more used to it!
Nice! What do you use Lua for? That's a language I haven't been exposed to, other than a college professor who used to do pseudocode languages with 1-based arrays, as Lua was his favorite language. 1-based arrays are a standard for mathematics based languages but atypical for computer-science based languages
@S3C yo, yeah, i love the grand theft auto series, it's one of my favorite games and biggest inspirations to do animation too. What i really wanted to do was something like gta, scarface, the godfather, etc, but with the resources i have there is no way to people take it seriously, so i did something comedic and animesque (since people like funny things and debauchery)
I could make a few changes in cleo mods, like there was a mod which gave new weapons in gta vc to the gangs like spas12, m4a1, etc, it would let the game too hard so i did modify it to gave other like colt python, micro uzi, tec9, molotov, etc
same! interesting that it inspired you for animations, if there's one knock on the PS2 era GTA games it's the graphics lol. Or since you say Scarface & Godfather, maybe you are referring to inspiration from the story elements. I guess it's true that you have a little more leeway with comedic and cartoonish genres, where if you are doing something serious like drama or crime you're expected to develop more realistic or sophisticated worlds, not to say that one genre is more artistically superior than the other
LOL! now I'm inspired to get into modifying GTA again...I remember giving rocket launchers and grenades to the peds in GTASA, and then extending the explosion radius to about a block. Only way you could survive was flying through the air in an air vehicle, that is if your game didn't freeze up first lol
Dammmmn that's a lot!!! Have you been on a quest to try just about as many as you possibly can, or was there a reason you stumbled into each one of these? Specific things you were trying to make/do? What kind of stuff did you build with LegoScript?
Any old GTA mods you've made floating around out there? Some of your stuff's gotta be available somewhere! XD I tried my hand at fixing/combining GTA scripts a while, ended up eventually corrupting the game every time though... programming's never really been my thing, but I have tried a few; attained some understanding of structure and functionality.
What about markup languages, how many of those do you know?
All the languages here I stumbled across were due to a specific purpose or requirement, don't think I've dabbled with a language just for the sake of experimenting with it. I built a Lego vehicle (Mindstorms was the name of the brand) that could traverse a maze based on using it's LIDAR readings and drove using a PID controller. At the time the programming language was pretty limited, so couldn't get the PID controller integrated (pun intended) as well I wanted
lol. They're probably out there, but just to distinguish, these are PS2 Codes, not PC mods. I suppose they are still out there if you look hard enough but it's been decades, making the practice kinda obsolete asides from educational/proof-of-concept exercises. if you really want to mod these days just use a PS2 emulator or use the PC version. surely you know a fair bit of javascript and/or php (lol)...otherwise you'd just be a mediocre web developer (you're not)
I have experience with HTML, Markdown, and LaTeX itself is primarily a markdown language but does have some programming capabilities
@S3C i always changed the cars and guns skins, cars to the hd gta 3 vehicles packs in gta vc, and gta san andreas with gta iv and gta v cars.
Yeah i mean in the story elements. i do all the animation, voice action, production, etc, all by myself, with a series with various characters voiced by just one guy you can only make it a comedy. Other thing i don't believe one can do all by himself and be sucessful would be something like dragon ball, naruto, or one punch man or something
Had many fun times playing modded gta, i mostly only play the same games, gta, mario and yugioh, and they all with mods, recently i can't not play gta i don't know why but it just got worse, don't know if my weak computer did got old but it keep freezing/crashing more than it did before, so i put minecraft in it's place, minecraft ain't as cool as gta (imo), but it has a lot of mods, i put gun mods there, some vehicles mod (but they're not good), a lot of demons, fred krugger, chainsaw massacre
I've heard of Mindstorms, never tested... it seemed fun. All I really dreamed of making back in the day was some RC Lego car really, but that seems like a different product entirely, seems they actually have that too!
Ah alright! I only have the PC versions, and PS2 'stories' to emulate on PC now... but still would be cool to see. Well thank you, I do know a bit, though it's amazing what you can manage with existing scripts and frameworks, I've written very little from scratch. Unless you count HTML/CSS then, I'd categorize myself more as a designer than a programmer, though developer seems more ambiguous.
Interesting. I've definitely stumbled upon LaTeX before, suppose I recognize Markdown from .md files, don't think I've ever actually used it myself...
Probably the majority of programming I have done isn't from scratch. Especially for large projects...And python you can pretty far with building a script from nothing, given how much libraries it has and how simplistic the syntax and concepts are, relatively speaking.
Markdown is basically HTML light in terms of complexity. It's easier & cleaner to make raw text nice compared to HTML. Not much different or more difficult from BBCode on old forums...
@S3C Linux Modifications and General Programming
ahh hell yeah. But why Lua over C though?
@S3C Lua over C? it may be only because there's only an option to modify a Linux Rice in Lua from what I know, and most are just using Lua now.
Though I used to use C a lot for physical robots!
Color me intrigued!
Didn't know what a 'Rice' was- seems to be some type of desktop modification?? I might try something like that if I ever make Linux my main OS, seems fun
Reason I asked is because Linux is written and C and included in all distros, so thought Linux modifications would be apt in C.
However looking at Lua for the first time now, seems well accessible, much closer to a language like Python than C, so I'd approve! Also shoutout to @TheMiamiDeSantos, looks like Lua has its origins in Brazil!
@S3C Speaking off of Lua and C, I also do some "basic" Action-Scripting, though it seems to be easier in earlier versions of Flash lol
Oh man I'd forgotten all about BBCode! XD Good memories there...
Markdown does look real smooth to use. Thinking I really ought get into things like SCSS and LESS too, efficient development definitely ought be about simplifying the process as much as possible, though I've always felt like shortcuts also keep you from learning things in full, and I've definitely taken them. Feels a bit like getting a drivers license for an automatic car, you'll get by fine if you get to choose the car you drive, but you won't be able to just go drive anything you want to... TLDR: one of these days I'm a actually go back to basics and learn some languages properly, I get by alright but I'm definitely not on your level m8! :) Just wait.
here you get driver's licenses on automatic cars. That is, automatic cars are used for testing, but there's nothing prohibiting you from driving manual.
I started learning on manual but I had a real difficult time learning so I switched to automatic...and automatic is still the only type of car (or mode) I can drive. Kind of shameful I guess. If it's like riding a bike I don't think it would be too hard to pick up using a stick shift though?
Oh! You can get a license for automatic here too, but you're limited to driving only automatic cars with said license if you do. Not that you ever get pulled over and checked unless you're driving recklessly though, so in practice you probably can drive whatever you want... then again you could theoretically drive without a license entirely and probably never get caught either as long as you know how to drive...
Well hey you've got the upper hand on (programming) language and instrumentality so I'm glad I've apparently got it with cars at least! XD I prefer driving manual, feels like you have more control; get more torque with the gear shifts, picked it pretty quickly from what I remember. The thing I found most challenging - and still do - is parking. Measuring the distance to surrounding cars, steering in at the right angle, I wonder if I'll ever get great at that. Seems it may be a facet of driving where a more mathematical mind figures out the formula; gets that perfect swerve and distance by means of light refractions or shadow dialed in.
If you have the basics in the back of your head you probably could get back to stick shift too yeah, I wonder what it's like to start using gears after you're used to driving otherwise, seems like either it's way easier then, or it's way harder when you're all the more used to a different way.
Impressive, at least to my layman's eyes...
Which languages would you say are the most relevant for programming needs of today &/or for the near future? What if you were to program things other than a laptop or desktop...say, a robot with visual capability?
I'll give a generic unimpressive answer (to the average software engineer).
Like many walks in life, it's not the tool that matters, but how you use it.
I'd recommend getting exposure to different paradigms, but be consistent with 1 language and get proficient at it.
All languages that I listed excluding SQL are theoretically equally as powerful (Turing-complete).
Practically, most languages are close to as powerful to each other so largely it rests on personal choice. Further than that it then becomes domain specific. Not every machine supports each language. Some languages have compiler and package/external dependencies that can make just getting them up and running a pain.
But to actually answer your question, I'd say Python. Just with it's simplistic syntax and ease of use, and ability to rapidly prototype not to mention its WIDE support of different libraries and functionalities. Most of the stuff I do revolves around data mining and modeling and Python is an ideal language for that.
C is a good language if want to remove the 'training wheels' for lack of a better term that you would get with Python. Everything is hard and gross and C, but if you master this language you'll have supreme depth as a programmer.
And C# would be my choice for Enterprisey stuff and OOP paradigms.
What's going to become more prevalent in the near future is prompt-based paradigm languages as AI becomes ubiquitous.
A robot with visual capability will likely have some Linux-based operating system to which you could run Python on it. Python has several computer-vision modules. No need to re-invent the wheel when the module-backends are already written in C to do the heavy lifting for you. If you're building the robot more from the ground up I'd recommend C/C++, maybe assembly, and a hardware description language. That'd be my answer as a non-hardware person.
"'s not the tool that matters, but how you use it." Excellent answer. Have said it myself, though the topic wasn't programming languages at the time.
The rest is quite informative, though I don't yet know what an "OOP paradigm" is.
I don't really know what it is either lol, or moreso I'm losing sense of the concept as I've broke away from software engineering to more general analysis & scripting.
If you think of 'traditional' programming as being lines of being functions you can call (e.g. taking the average of a collection of numbers) and logic that computes sequentially, object oriented programming (OOP) allows for the user to design blueprints (classes) and create instances of these classes to promote code reuseability. Essentially, it can more effectively manage large codebases maintained by lots of people, and makes code testing easier- you'll likely reduce side-effects when making a change to one part of the code.
Debatably, OOP has a propensity to lead over-engineering and bloated code, but most enterprise applications lean to working with this paradigm.
Half of these I haven't even heard of before
there's a lot of languages out there! What are your favorite programming languages?