@Cyberdevil yo, democracy and capitalism as bad as they are still are the best possible. Communism, anarchism, ancap are all beautiful things in theory, but the human nature is the main problem. We had anarchism before, but somebody like colonizers, vikings or something did end the anarchy and put their rules there. Even if the government end right now, the first one to organize themselves as mafia, militia, faction would be the new government. So i really don't believe in such things.
The main reason i want to go to a latin country is due to keep the latin lifestyle, you know it's pretty different, we would have many culture clashes, we latins like to party, talk a lot, make friends and such, while you gringos are more serious and take yourselves real seriously (it's a great thing when it comes to the professional and political side of the thing, but in being social it's not too good). I don't know no one from paraguay, but i didn't know anybody here at newgrounds when i first came here. Paraguay is not too far from here Santos either.
My family came from poor background, brazil was in the military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985, they're from the northeast (the redneck places here in brazil), education was hard back in their time, even electric power was hard, they didn't have it when they were young. They know how to read and write, but they're not very good at it. Thankfully i was the nerd kind of guy who always loved to learn, specially useful things like use a computer, speak english, stock exchanges, etc
@TheMiamiDeSantos That's true, unfortunately... yet it seems that the right people do have the potential to change those ideas, no matter how old they are. The situation was a bit similar in Argentina before no? All you need is good marketing... easier said than done of course, but it's fascinating how certain things or ideals we took for granted in the past have shifted so drastically overtime, as if the old way of thinking never even existed, at an international level sometimes too.
Ah those are countries we don't get much news about here... how's leadership in Paraguay and Panama? Do you know people there? Seems you've grown up in an interesting family man, but educated yourself well!
Mmm I gotta watch some Brazilian school movies; see your equivalent... saw the Tropa De Elite movies a few years ago, that's about as much a glimpse into the social order there I have, and the favellas commonly depicted in action flicks and franchises like Fast & Furious... indeed, anarchy's great in theory (IMHO), but in practice it really requires a very specific group of people for it to work well, I think with good enough education and overall wealth it'd be an ideal social order, but if everybody's looking out for themselves, or lack empathy; consideration for the collective, it'd turn bad pretty easily... all 'better' ideologies seem unfortunately prone to abuse. There doesn't seem to be a thing such as true Democracy either, but maybe it's still the best option. Anyway...
Brazilian girls yes! Mhm. You do have some things going for ya over there... Sarcófago huh, I'll check them out too, ties to Sepultura also...
Y'know one strong point with Brazilian metal is just the language. Sarcophagus sounds... a little tame compared to SARCOFAGO!!!