Total Medals Earned: 736 (From 152 different games.) Total Medal Score: 12,810 Points
Medals Earned: 2/2 (35/35 points)
You destroyed your first enemy!
You completed the game. Congratulations.
Medals Earned: 3/10 (20/65 points)
Kill a lizard man
Watch the introduction
Find the Super Shotgun
Find a Quad Damage crystal
Kill a Golem
Find a Mystery Box
Find the secret shotgun at the starting area
Defeat Solram
Find all 11 weapons
Medals Earned: 5/9 (140/270 points)
Finish the tutorial.
Have 11 turrets on the spaceship.
Defeat a Hugo.
Survive 20 waves.
Survive 11 consecutive waves without any core taking damage.
Visit the Greenlight webbie link.
Have 22 turrets on the spaceship.
Have 33 turrets on the spaceship.
Survive 11 consecutive waves without Dave getting hurt.
Medals Earned: 5/11 (90/285 points)
Allow a fish to die and plug his own hole.
Make a diver accidentally swim into a mine.
Kill at least eight BP divers in a single game with dead blowfish.
Last long enough to destroy BP and Tony Hayward on his yacht.
Get a single Bullet Bill torpedo to kill two BP divers.
Destroy at least eight blowfish in a single game with other dead blowfish.
Destroy at least eight mines in a single game with dead blowfish.
Survive long enough to destroy BP and Tony Hayward without dying.
Kill no divers or submarines, but still destroy the BP oil rig in a single game.
Kill at least five submarines in a single game.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 2/2 (30/30 points)
Get 5000 points
Destroy 18+ blocks at once
Medals Earned: 9/17 (225/525 points)
Take down the Airbus A380
Take down the BAE Hawk
Take down the Broadcast helicopter
Take down the CH46 Sea Knight helicopter
Take down the crocodile jet
Take down the DHC 2 Beaver
Take down the HH65Dolphin helicopter
Nuke Sydney
Take down the zeppelin
Crush 10 kayaks
Eat 60 pieces of Orca
Take down the sailplane
Take down the UFO
Kill 9 horses
Kill 30 cruise ship passengers
Kill 10 sky divers
Medals Earned: 3/3 (85/85 points)
Forgo your worldly posessions.
Deliver your taxes to the IRS in a timely manner.
Send a Lexus back to the shop.
Medals Earned: 2/18 (10/500 points)
Kill 5 enemies.
Earn 1 achievement.
Earn 6 achievements.
Kill 125 enemies.
Kill 30 enemies.
Earn 40 achievements.
Earn 25 achievements.
Earn 16 achievements.
Earn 65 achievements. That's half of the total 130 achievements.
Kill 550 enemies.
Kill 1,900 enemies.
Earn 80 achievements.
Kill 1,125 enemies.
Kill 11,000 enemies.
Earn 110 achievements.
Kill 4,000 enemies.
Kill 60,000 enemies.
Earn all 130 achievements. Must've taken you a while, huh?
Medals Earned: 6/14 (80/570 points)
Buy it from the store
Equip any item
Buy a book
Get 100 kills in a game
Reach Difficulty 10
Reach Difficulty 50
Equip an item in each team slot
Get 1000 kills in a game
Get 10000 kills in a game
Enjoy the fire and music
Reach Difficulty 100
Buy everything the store has to offer
Medals Earned: 1/6 (25/280 points)
End with luck as your highest stat.
End with attack as your highest stat.
End with your max health - 20 as your highest stat.
End with balanced stats, or equal attack and luck higher than max hp - 20.