America should not be socialist, it needs to be oligarchic.
The rich should rule over the land while we dominate the middle and lower classes.
Why the hell do we need to have public education? That's socialist. You're too poor to afford an education, it is completely your fault you were born into a poor family, go find better, new parents.
Police Officers? WTF? Why the hell should my taxes be directed to keep people in the slums safe from us? Pay for your own damn personal bodyguards.
Healthcare? Well if you cant afford that, it's not our problem, I'm sorry but you're going to have to create your own medicine from scratch.
I payed for these roads. Stop driving on them!
Get out of my library, these books were bought with my tax money, GTFO!
You socialist thinkers arent important enough to recieve these priviledges. PWNED NOOBS! LET THE RICH RULE, THIS IS THE AMERICAN DREAM I THINK!
so S3C you like my new page? even that theres no songs a bout rig because
i was making front of him!
HEY don't you like to make front of rig?